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Kayla's pov

I wish I could get out of here, but my shift isn't over for another 3 hours. I couldn't believe that I had embarrassed myself like that. I hope he doesn't fire me before I even get started. I really want this internship and I want it to become permanent. I can't do that if my boss thinks I'm a thirsty slut.

I placed a small stress ball on my desk. I had some mildly bad anxiety. It hasn't been too much of a problem lately, but today has triggered it. Something that always helped was talking to my mother, so I decided to take my lunch break early. I went down to the break room to talk.

"Kayla. I thought you were going to forget about your little old mom." she said. I laughed at her dramatics.

"I could never." I said. 

"Did you have something that you wanted to tell me? Finally, meet someone?" she asked. My mom always wanted to get a boyfriend. I just never thought about it because I wasn't after finding someone. At least not then. 

"I did have something to tell you. I just need some reassurance." I said. 

"Of course baby. Tell me what's up." she said.

"I was wearing one of my jean skirts at work and I thought it was long enough. My pen had rolled off my desk and when I bent over my boss was right there. I didn't realize till I sat down that he had seen my butt. Then I went into his office and he said 'Try a longer skirt tomorrow.' I was so embarrassed. I don't know what to do, Mom."I said. 

"Child you'll be alright. You're overthinking it. Maybe this young man likes you. He's just teasing. Besides you better be proud of that ass I gave you." she said. My mom was always so careless. I think it's why her advice always helped. 

"Maybe you're right." I said. She laughed.

"I'm always right. Now you get back to work. Don't slack off and make me proud." she said.

"I will, Ma. I'll call you later." I said.

"Bye Kay." she said before hanging up. I grabbed myself an apple juice and a chocolate chip muffin. I shouldn't really eat this because it might trigger me to slip into my head space, buuut I need it. I went back to my desk and continued to finish my work. The rest of the day went by smoothly. I didn't see Aris at all for the rest of the day. I decided that instead of going straight home I'd stop at the store. 

I was walking around the store trying to look for chocolate muffin mix. That one from work made me realize how much I love them. I was reaching for them when somebody else snatched them from my hands.

"Excuse you. I was grabbing those." I said before turning to the person. Aris. I can't catch a break can I?

"Mr.Knight." I frowned.

"Kayla." he said. 

"Ms. Richardson." I corrected.

"You're right. Very unprofessional of me. Just like the comment I made earlier. I apologize for embarrassing you like that." he said. He's apologizing? I did not expect that at all.

"It's fine." I said. He shook his head.

"Not at all is it okay. I shouldn't have done that. How about I make up to you over dinner?" he said. Okay smooth.

"Sure. What time?" I asked. 

"How about next Tuesday at 9. I wouldn't want to disrupt your first week of work with a date." he said. I blushed a bit at his charm. Who would've thought? Not even a full week of starting this job and I've already scored a date. And not with just anybody, but my boss.

He gave me his number and was now walking away with the muffin mix. Dang it. I forgot all about that. I walked to the bakery and picked up some pre-made muffins and went back home. I kept thinking about my date with Aris. I can't believe this was going to happen. I didn't want to get my hopes up. This could just be a dinner to him or a chance to get in my pants. Though I won't let him. This is going to purely be a dinner and if it becomes more. It becomes more. 

Aris' pov

I'm finally going to live my life. I didn't expect to ask her tonight, but when I saw her in the aisle. I just decided to take the shot. I didn't think she'd say yes. Am I nervous? No. I'm never nervous. I have no reason to be nervous. I'm Aris Knight.

"What's going on, baby bro?" my TWIN sister Naomi said.

"I'm not your baby brother." I groaned. 

"According to our birth certificates that says we're one minute apart, you are. Now what's up?" she said. I wasn't going to give it up that easy. Though going into with that mindset was a mistake.

"Should I get Lucas and Luna? The three of us would have a fun time getting it from you." she said. I cringed at the thought. The three of them,  asking the same question over and over again. Torture. I'd rather be shot. 

"Fine. I may or may not have asked a girl out." I said. Naomi gasped, slapping her hand over her mouth.

"Did my baby brother pull his head out his ass? Yes he did." she cooed as if I was a child.

"Is she a sub or little? Or is she neither?" she asked.

"I think she's a little. I'm not sure though she kind of reacted in that way when I first encountered her." I said.

"Did you talk to her like a normal person? Or were you trying to intimidate her?" she asked. Naomi knows me well. I like testing the limits and seeing how nervous I can make someone.

"A little of both." I said. She slapped my arm. I flinched, covering it from another slap. My sister does not know her own strength and it's not like she tries to control it either.

"Watch it, she-hulk." I spat. She rolled her eyes before skipping out of my office singing, "My baby bro pulled his head out his ass." I hate that she keeps calling me her 'baby bro.' She's been doing it ever since we were 10. The moment she saw our birth certificates she had a fucking field day. 

Jeez now I'm going to have to hear from the one hundred people living in this house.

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