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Kayla's pov

I'm proud of the progress that I've made through my relationship with Aris. I never thought I'd reach the point of contemplating having sex with someone. Of course that's still ways away, but I never thought I'd take steps there. Aris is still on his journey of figuring out the right meds and dosage.

He was taking too high of a dosage with his last prescription, so his tolerance built up way too quickly. He's been a little upset lately and has snapped at me at work. However, at home where we can leave work out is still doing great. I'm thankful for that. Once he calms down, Aris will explain why he was so mad.

It's so much easier than when we first started talking. I was a little confused and hurt when he first started having the episode because I thought it was about us. He hadn't told me he was running on old pills. Luckily, his new prescription comes in a few days.

Aris paged me to his office and I was confused because he was meant to be taking calls for the next two hours. "Yes, Mr. Knight?" Aris motioned for me to lock the door and come over. I frowned, walking closer to his desk.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked. He pulled me into his chest and hugged me tight. I let him calm down, massaging his head to aid in that process.

"These phone calls are stressing me out. People are so fucking stupid." He groaned, as he almost shoved the phone off his desk.

"What's frustrating about it?" I asked him. I cupped his face and rubbed his cheek with my thumb. He sighed, lifting his head to look at me. 

"Everything. I don't want to talk to anyone."  Aris has been leaving work early a lot. He has had one meeting and that's enough to destroy his social battery.

"Do you want me to call Naomi to step in?" I've only had to call her once because usually Aris' ego is too big to have her do his job. He shook his head and laid back onto his chair with his eyes closed. I felt terrible. I could practically see him fighting the frustration in his head. He was still taking his old prescription, but it honestly only aggravated him more. I could see how hard he was trying each day.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked, hoping he'd give me some of his load. I can answer the phone. I've been here long enough to know how everything works.

"I just need you here." he told me. I sighed, but nodded. I didn't wanna push him if he really didn't want my help. After another hour of silence, Aris started answering the phone again. He still had around 8 people to call today. The first one went by fine; however, by the third he was fuming again.

I put the person on hold to try and talk to him. "Aris, it isn't going to benefit anyone if you're answering the phone wanting to bite their head off. Having me here is clearly not enough to help. Either you let me answer these calls or you're going home."

"I don't need your help, Kayla. I have this. I know how to manage my fucking company." Aris argued.

"I'm not questioning your knowledge, but you don't see what I see right now. I know what an episode looks like. You don't have to force yourself to keep going." I assured him. No one is gonna blame him for needing this time. His prescription is coming soon. It'll all be okay soon. He leaned out of my touch when I tried to comfort him.

"I don't need you to tell me what to do. I definitely don't need you to tell me anything about my own fucking shit. I'm not some weak bitch who needs his meds to function. I'm a functioning person." There's clearly no getting through to him right now. I'm not gonna sit here and be disrespected.

"Whatever, Aris. You can sit and yell at your clients, but you're not gonna yell at  me." I told him. I got off his lap and walked back out to my desk. I'm not gonna talk to him while he's like that. He's not listening to anything I'm saying.

I finished up with my paperwork and putting in invoices to be checked by the CFO. I was still worried about Aris, but I didn't want to fight with him at work. We could just wait until we got home. I went down to the break room to grab a little something to eat. I would ask Aris to lunch, but I'm not feeling that right now. The awkward car ride home I have awaiting is more than enough. I grabbed two granola bars that were in this basket and filled up my water bottle. I decided to scroll on my phone and eat instead of taking it back to my desk. 

After eating, I threw my trash away and went back to my desk. There was a little note that I automatically assumed was from Aris.

I'm sorry for blowing up on you. I really am just struggling on this prescription. I don't know what to do with myself. I hate feeling like this and not knowing how to express myself in the moment. I'm only having unfavorable thoughts and I know the words that come out are hurtful. I'm sending Lucas or Naomi to pick you up in two hours. I'll be at my house and I'll pick you up in the morning for work. I really need time to be alone and think. 

I was relieved that he calmed down enough to realize that it is okay to go home if needed. I'm bummed he didn't want to come back to my place, but I totally understand.  Hopefully, we can at least call at some point today.

.               .               .

After work, I packed up all my things and went to meet Naomi outside. "Hey, Kay!" she exclaimed and gave me a quick hug.

"Hey, Nay!" I laughed. On day while I was over at Aris' house, Naomi really wanted a nickname and I thought matching ones were really cute.

"How was my brother today? Lucas called and said he chewed him out for not being able to come get you." she deadpanned. I sighed, shrugging my tote off of my shoulder.

"Dealing with a lot. His patience at work is really starting to wear thin. I keep trying to tell him that he could just stay home until the prescription comes, but he's stubborn as you know." I explained to her. There's not really anything else I can tell him. At some point I really do have to let him deal with it. He's a grown man. I can't really force him to do anything.

"Yeah. Just a keep a eye out for him. Sometimes it gets really bad and he just needs someone to be there. Has he ever gotten as bad as before?" she asked.

"Not really. I mean once we get home he kind of settles down and everything is okay." Maybe when he goes home to his house things are different. Whenever he comes with me, everything is okay. However, there were a couple of times before this one that he left. 

"I'm really happy that he has you. I mean he's never cared so much about prescription ever in his life. We've tried so hard to get him back on track and he just didn't realize how bad his mental issues were before you. He was aggressive enough to get us off his back about it, but I think he knew you were something to lose. He's told girlfriends to fuck off before because they didn't wanna deal with it. He really loves you, Kayla, if you couldn't tell already." she admitted to me. I feel his love through all of these moments. I understand more now that I know him and can see that he's trying. I genuinely believe we're in too deep for either of us to leave.

"I know he does. It's way easier than it was in the beginning. I understand more than before." We've had enough good times to know we can get through this. It just upsets me to see him so upset. Especially in a way that he can't control. 

"And he'll be okay. He's practicing good restraint which he had trouble with before. I'll update you on how he is." she assured. I thanked her and she dropped me off at my apartment. Once I showered and changed out of my clothes, I texted Aris.

Kayla: Hey, I hope you're doing okay. I understand if you don't feel like texting right now. I love you.

I sat at my phone, hoping he'd respond. I know he said he wanted to be alone, but I didn't get to talk to him before he left. 

Aris: I'm doing fine. Love you.

I sighed and shut off my phone. The hard times are hard. I hate the days when he doesn't come home with me. Now we have to wait until the next day to talk it out. I just forgot how severe it was because we'd been doing so well. This stupid, but of course not stupid doctor, couldn't be any slower. I know it has to be perfect, but I miss him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06 ⏰

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