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Kayla's pov

It was lunchtime and my parents weren't taking later for an answer anymore. They wanted to know what happened with Aris and I to make come back home. My mom cooked my favorite hoping to calm my nerves.

"Alright, now what happened Kayla? Your mother and I are worried. You wouldn't have come home if it wasn't serious." my father said. I nodded. He's right, of course. Usually, I just call.

"Aris is in a mafia. His family has been running it for four generations. Nothing has happened to us in the 5 months we've been together. Though that doesn't change the fact that I should've known." I said. My parents look like I've told them Aris slaughtered all of New York. I guess his being in a mafia does mean he's killed people. Especially as the leader. Does that mean if we had kids, my son would've had to do the same?

"Does Aris being in one frighten you?" my mom asked. I'm shocked at her response. I honestly thought it would be completely shut down by my parents.

"A little. I mean I know the trouble that follows with one. Do you think I can trust Aris to keep me safe? I love him a lot. I don't know if I just want to walk away." I sighed.

"I think the only answer is to walk away." my dad said. I knew he wouldn't be fond of it. me staying with Aris. "What if something does happen, Kayla? I don't want to get a call that my daughter is dead." I understand that. I do. I mean I wouldn't want to get a call that something happened to my parents either because of this.

Maybe I'm just blinded by my love for Aris. "Well, did you let him explain anything before you left?" my mother asked. I'm still so surprised she's being sane about this.

"I kinda yelled for him to get out or I'd call the police, but I also told him we could talk in a week. I just needed the week to think about this. I don't know if I can just walk away from him. We had our issues in the beginning but Aris hasn't been anything but good to me." I don't want to put his mental issues as a reason I'd leave. I know he's trying and he's been doing a lot better these past few months. Besides I trust him not to hurt me.

"Maybe the week away will help you decide. You know my vote but you also know I'll support you no matter what. Though if you do continue with Aris, I think there's a deep talk that we'd all need to have." my father said.

"Of course. Should I tell Aris to come here? Just so we could all talk then." I said. My parents agreed it'd be a better idea for all of us to talk. I know my dad has lost some respect for Aris for not telling me earlier. I know I have. I thought he trusted me. We could've worked things out earlier. Instead of being almost 6 months in and him dropping this bomb on me.

. . .

After lunch and catching up, I went back to my room to call Aris. I know what I said about no contact. Though I need to hear his voice.

"Tesoro, hello?" My heart warms to hear him speak. "I didn't think you'd call so early."

"I just want to tell you that I was with my parents back home. I want you to come here instead at the end of the week." I told him

"Of course. I'm sure your parents aren't happy with me," he said.

"They've been surprisingly calm and my mom thinks I was too quick on leaving. I should've let you explain. Though I guess you'll get to do that in a week. I miss you." I told him. I don't expect myself to be walking away from Aris. Maybe if something does happen but it hasn't.

"I miss you too. I hope you know that you were never in any danger," he assured. I think I believe that. I don't know if I should.

"I'll see you soon," I said. If I let the call go any longer I would've flown him out now.

Naomi's pov

Aris has been taking Kayla leaving better than I ever could have imagined. I thought that he was going to go into self-destruct mode. He's been pretty sane. I haven't caught him drinking or anything.

I'm proud of him. I think this also just goes to show how good Kayla is for him. I haven't had to watch him during his jobs. He's been okay and I'm happy for him. We all are. He's doing way better than Luna, Lucas, and I thought he would.

I just hope he can keep this up even if Kayla decides she is to end things. It's good that he told her now. Any later and I don't see it ending pretty. Aris is flying to Atlanta in about a week. Kayla's parents are definitely going to exchange some words with him. From what I heard about her dad, he can't be too happy.

"I mean I just have hope, you know. Hope that Kayla won't leave me over this. I know we are in a dangerous business, but we can keep her safe. I know that nothing will ever happen to her." Aris told us. Luna, Lucas, and I wanted to go for lunch with Aris just to make sure everything was fine.

And everything really has been. "How you think you're gonna feel if she does leave?" Lucas asked. It's an important question. No one wants to see Aris in meltdown mode.

"I think I'll be fine. Fine as in I won't try and burn down the city. I'll try to be mature about it at work. As hard as it'd be." he said. I would like the trust his word on this but I'd have to see it.

"Guys, you don't have to worry. I know I have the shittiest track record of track records. I love Kayla more than anything. I don't want to hurt her. I know me acting insane of her leaving would hurt her." he explained. Luna excitedly squealed and patted Aris' back.

"Aris, I'm so happy for you. This is a great next step," she said.

"Thank you. Thank you. I know I'm a great guy." Aris boast. The three of us exchanged looks with each other.

"Don't get ahead of yourself big guy," Lucas said, before getting up. "You know what pay the check, great guy." Luna and I followed behind him, leaving Aris at the table.

. . .

Aris' pov

It was getting a little hard being away from Kayla. I miss her like crazy. I've been sitting outside her apartment door some days since I can't go in. I haven't tried to pick the lock even though I can. So I'll take that as a win.

To be honest, I don't know what I'll do if Kayla leaves me. I meant what I said about not going insane around her and being mature at work. I just don't know if I can survive without her. My life was crappy before her. The same endless loop of my life. Being depressed. The depression hurt me more than anything. I could never keep myself together. I was constantly flying off the handle. Isolating myself. Outside of my jobs and necessary shit, I didn't go out for 3 years straight.

It was worse in my teen years because I had my parole officers on my back. Which just made it even worse.

I just hope that Kayla decides that we can work through it together.

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