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Aris' pov

Kayla had been on her best behavior since I had to punish her about a week ago. Not even the small things I used to let slide were an issue. I'm glad that Kayla isn't much of a brat because I wouldn't want her to be getting punished all the time.

I've seen friends deal with subs like that and I just don't see how that's fun. I'd rather have a little that never does anything wrong than one who always does.

"Daddy! Lucas and Naomi hurt my stuffies." Kayla whined, plopping into a chair in my office. I had some work that I needed to do but didn't want to go to the office.

I decided that Naomi, Luna, and Lucas would be some pretty good temporary babysitters. Maybe I was wrong. "What'd they say, baby?" I asked.

"Umm that she's silly goose and then they started playing catch with her and wouldn't give her back." she frowned. I sighed. Why the hell can't they just be normal? "Make them apologize." She grabbed my shirt and tried to yank me off of my chair. At some point, I decided to just get up.

"Alright, Tesoro. I'll make them apologize." I told her, picking her up. She directed me to where Lucas and Naomi were. I can't believe this.

"Lucas. Naomi. Are you really going make me do this or are you guys gonna stop being idiots?" l sighed. They both started smirking and gave me the same evil look.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Naomi said.

"Kayla said that you two started playing fucking mon-"

"Daddy no curse," Kayla said, covering my mouth. I sighed in defeat. I took her hand off my mouth which she used to hold Callie. Lucas tried to hold in a laugh which ticked me off.

"Stop messing with Kayla or I'll never bring her over again. Apologize right now, you idiots." I said.

"Sorry, Kayla."

"Sorry, lil bean"

Kayla stuck her tongue out at the both of them and we left. Idiots. I don't need anything ticking me off.  Work was work but working with potential clients is always something that pushes me over the edge. The game-playing is more than frustrating.

I'll spend days with a potential client just for them to go to another company on the day of signing. I wish I had someone I could leave this off with. I went back to my office where Kayla followed.

"Daddy, you mad at me?" Kayla asked. I looked up and she was teary-eyed with a small pout on her face.

"Of course not, tesoro. I would never be mad at you." I said, waving her over. She sat in my lap and place her head down. "Why do you think I'm mad?"

"Well, this morning you no very happy and I no get morning kisses. Then you mad right now and no talking to me." she whimpered. I moved some things on my desk so I could sit her there. That way she'd also look at me better. With some directing

"Look at me, tesoro," I said. Her eyes slowly wandered from her lap up at me and she frowned. "Daddy had gotten a call this morning saying that he lost another client. It's been a little rough at work lately. So I have been a little upset about that, but never at you. Understood?"

"Understood." she nodded. I slid Kayla off my desk and gave all the kisses I should've given her this morning. I let her sit on my lap and color until I finish with the last of my paperwork.

Lucas and Naomi tried to come in and talk to Kayla but she was still a little butt hurt about them messing around with Callie. Luna had come and got her for a quick lunch. Hopefully, she behaves.

Kayla's pov

The day with Daddy's cousins had been fun except for when Lucas and Naomi played with my stuffies. I really don't like when people who aren't Daddy touch my stuffies. Only Daddy can touch Callie.

Luna made me lunch so I had to leave Daddy in his office. I had a sandwich, an apple, and carrots. Luckily she also gave me some ranch. I asked her if I could go to Daddy's office to eat but she said no.

I didn't want to argue and get in trouble so I just stayed in the dining room. I was mainly alone except for when Luna checked on me. It was kinda no fun. Usually, when I have lunch with Daddy he stays with me.

That way I could talk to him while I eat. Or sometimes he'll eat with me. I decided to hurry with my food so I could go back to Daddy. I took my last apple slice off the plate and went to place it in the sink.

I ate my last apple as I went to Daddy's office. "All done, Daddy and I ate all of my carrots," I told him.

"That's so great, tesoro. I'm proud of you for being good for Luna," he said. I went to lie down on the couch in the office. Eating always made me really sleepy.

"Sit up, Kayla," Daddy said, sternly. I frowned at his tone of voice. I'm tired. "You know it's not good to lie down after you just finished eating."

I whined, rubbing my eyes. "Sleepy." I pout. Daddy told me to get my blanket and Callie and to come sit on his lap. He made sure I stayed propped up and let me sleep against his chest.

Aris' pov

Kayla was all cuddled up on my chest asleep right after she finished her lunch. Eating always puts her to sleep quickly if she's deep in little space. Though I always have to make sure she's not fully lying down. She always wakes up out of her nap needing to throw up because of how quickly she goes to sleep.

Having my sister and cousins babysit wasn't the worse. Except for Lucas and Naomi being asses. Luna is always great. Maybe next time I'll just leave her with Luna.

I finally finished up with my work so I decided we could go to my guest house. I haven't been there in some time. After the outbursts I had, I haven't been back. I've either been at Kayla's or I've been sleeping in the house.

I don't think it'll be too triggering. My mom got everything I broke repaired. So nothing should scare Kayla once she wakes. I wish Kayla would want to move it. I could fix this place up for the both of us.

Maybe she'd have a change of thought after graduation. I was kinda nervous to meet her parents. What if from what they heard about me they didn't like me?

I wasn't exactly a model boyfriend to Kayla at the beginning or the middle. I've been a lot better mentally. I hope her parents judge me based on me now. Even if I don't necessarily deserve it.

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