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Aris' pov

"I'm being serious, Naomi. I've screwed up with Kayla enough for a lifetime. We barely started dating and I'm already on my last chance. I can't fuck up again. I love her." I said. Maybe Kayla is my person. As she said her mom was the only one to calm down her dad. Maybe that's just who she is for me. I like her for more than just that.

She's a woman who has some self-worth. Of course, I don't want to be on my last chance, but I'm glad she won't let me keep going back into my old ways. Kayla is the new person I need to finally heal. My mom is right. Castor is gone. Killing someone else won't fill my void but finding someone else to love will. Kayla is just so relieving to be around. 

"Well, I'm glad you're realizing that. After spending time with her yesterday you better not mess it up. If you do I'll date her myself. She is just so precious and her little space is absolutely adorable." Luna said.

"You're lucky this goofball will only listen to me or I would've stayed with her. You really have to work on this Aris. I can't go back and fix your mess when you wanna start shutting down on her. Though if Aris can learn how to communicate I'll have time to become her favorite." Naomi said. I rolled my eyes and fixed up my tie.

"How would you be her favorite? It'd obviously be me." I said. Naomi and Luna started cracking up as if I just said the dumbest thing in the world. They started shoving me around as they do when they laugh.

"Alright, alright stop fucking pushing me," I said.

"I'm just saying, Aris. Luna and I are going to the fun ones for her. She'll obviously love us more." Naomi shrugged. 

"We'll see about that," I said. "Now I have to go before I'm late." I left the house to get to my car outside. I'm not nervous about this date because I know I'll be fine. I took all the precautions. I took my meds, did some meditation, and even went on a run. I shouldn't lash out and nothing should trigger me to. 

I decided we'd have a private picnic. Away from others so that we can just get to know each other more. After this past month, we need to connect again. I need to step up as well. As Naomi would say, "Put your big boy pants on baby bro." Should I get her flowers or is that too much? There's already somewhere we'll be. She won't think it's weird. Fuck, but I don't even know the type she likes.

Maybe roses. All girls like roses unless they're allergic. Maybe peonies. I remember seeing her perfume. I took a quick pit stop at the flower shop near her apartment. "Excuse me, do you have peonies?" I asked.

"That's new. Usually, you boys just come roses. She's one lucky gal." the old lady said. I awkwardly laughed and followed her to the back of the store. I'm definitely the lucky one. The woman handed me a big bouquet. 

"These should do the trick. Go on smelling them," she said. I took a whiff and I was pleasantly surprised. Fuck these smell great. 

"Great right? There's a reason why I have the best shop in town," she said. I laughed and followed her to the register and paid for the flowers. I checked the time and it was 6 minutes to eight. Shit.

I put the flowers in the passenger seat and quickly drove off. I reached her apartment and quickly got out. I went inside the building and ran to the elevator. I waited for a big till it finally opened. I knocked on her door and waited for the door to open. 

Kayla's pov

I was on my couch, tightening my heels when I heard a knock on the door. I gasped and scrambled to get my purse out of my room. I almost fell on my ankle trying to get to my room. I went back to the door to open it. The first thing I saw was a big bouquet of peonies.

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