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Aris' pov

Ever since I forgot Callie on the jet, Kayla won't let her go. For the last week, Callie has gone anywhere we've gone even to work. She sits her on top of her desk so she can make sure she doesn't leave it. I don't want her to cultivate separation anxiety for it.

I packed up my papers for my meeting. We were trying to convince this bakery chain to let us renovate all their buildings. This could be a big job if we get it. It's kind of been slow these past few months. I'm putting a lot of hope into this.

I grabbed my folder and computer and made my way to the conference room. I stopped at Kayla to let her know where I was gonna be.

I got into the room and the clients were already there. "Good Afternoon. I'm so sorry if I'm late." I said, checking my watch.

"No, we just like to be earlier to check out the building and facilities." one of them said. I connected my computer to the board.

"I'm Aris, the CEO of Knight Industries. This is my CFO, James, and my assistant, Harrison. We've reviewed your needs and I think we can deliver them better than any contractor in town." I said as I clicked through my presentation.

"We haven't seen many recent renovation projects from your company. Can you show any examples of your work?" the one on the left asked.

"Yes, the business has been a little slow. Though I can assure you it's not due to our performance." I said, showing some of our previous work. Sometimes the mafia creates extra obstacles that get in the way of our contracting business. Though it's important to keep it up to make sense of our incomes. "All of our previous clients have reported extreme increases in foot traffic. I promise we won't disappoint."

The three clients flipped through their papers. "What about the budget? Will you be able to fit ours? We have 6 locations that need work." one said.

"Yes, of course. While it will be costly due to our high-end materials. Though as one of our first new clients, we can do one location for half the price." I said. They nodded to each other as if it was a good deal. Which it is. They are getting A-class materials and effort for half its price.

.          .          .

The meeting went great. The clients started getting pushy with their wants and I was getting annoyed with them. Though I suck up my pride and tried my best to tailor to their wants. I still got a good profit for the company while trying to work around their budget and schedule.

All that negotiating and they finally agreed to the deal. Contracts were signed so it's all locked down. This now means early morning working which hopefully won't clash with my and Kayla's schedule. I'll be up early in the morning and home maybe by noon. Maybe we can start staying in the guest house so my family can watch her.

I finished up with my remaining work from today. Kayla said she wasn't feeling the best so Luna came to pick her up. I was on my way to her apartment to check on her.

Kayla's pov

I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden I was just hit with a sore throat and my stomach was killing me. Maybe it was the airport germs. I feel terrible. Luna stayed with me until Daddy could get off work.

"Aww, sweetie. I wish I could just take the sickness away." Luna cooed. I wish she could too. I feel like poo. She's already given me medicine, but it's not working.

"Medicine no work," I whined. She placed her hand on my forehead and sighed.

"Let me replace the towel. I'll remind Aris of your medicine schedule. I'm sorry." she frowned. She removed the damp towel from my forehead. I've never been sick like this in a while. Not since freshman year of college.

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