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Aris' pov

I went into my guest house hoping that Lucas, Naomi, and Luna catch me twice in a row. I unlocked the door and so far everything was fine. I turned on the lights and they were all sitting at the kitchen island. I jumped and placed my hand over my chest. Fuck! "You three are going to give me a fucking heart attack." I gritted through my teeth. The three of them started to snicker.

"With how old you are it'd be easy." Luna said. I scoffed, rolling my eyes. I took off my shirt and went into the kitchen. "Woahhh chill out buddy." Lucas said. I shook my head and got out a shot glass.

"I'll walk around naked if I feel like it. This is my guest house." I said. They all came up to the counter and sat on the stools. They placed their hands under the chins and looked at me. More like stared at me. "I'm not talking." I said. Naomi looked at Lucas and Luna and they all stood up.

They're all being fucking creepy. They walked over to the side of the island I was on and practically tackled me to the ground. "Get the fuck off me." I said. I felt a poke in my side making me tense. I swear to god.

"Tickle Attack." Lucas said. The three of them tickled my sides while I was practically pinned to the ground. I couldn't kick, punch, or anything. They always resort to this when I don't want to tell them something. My stomach was starting to hurt from tensing so much and laughing. I fucking hate being tickled and they know that. They tickled me for an hour straight one time because I didn't want to tell them about my taking over the business.

"Fuck! Stop. I'll tell y'all, please. Damn." I huffed. I stayed on the ground trying to catch my breath. I hate them so much.

"You broke my fucking nail with your abs, Aris." Naomi said. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself off the ground. "Good." I said. I took a couple more shots cause I'm going to need them.

Lucas' pov

I'll never understand why he's so stubborn. The way he talks about this girl shows that he's in love. He sat up for almost 2 hoursin a blanket fort with this girl watching cartoons. While we can barely get him to go to the movies with us. He's doing so many things that we all know that he'd never do in his life.

I can't wait to meet her. It'll be good to see him with a girl that's not a fucking slut. I hate using that word because it's so rude, but for some girls it's right. He'd get into relationships with girls that were with other people while being with him. He wouldn't care. Just move on to the next girl. Then we had Madison who was worse than the sluts he dealt with.

Kayla seems like she'll be breath of fresh air for all of us. I can't wait till he just fully realizes it himself. "So are you going to marry her within the same time your dad did your mom or cruise it out?" I asked.

"He has to date her first. Which might be in the next 3 years." Luna said. The three of us started to crack up.

"I kinda already asked her." he said. I looked at him in shock. What!? He asked her already.

"What!" Naomi said. "How could leave that out? What'd she say?"

"Nothing. It was in a note after she had fallen asleep. I guess I'll find out at work tomorrow. Which is in 3 hours so if I could get some rest, please?" he said walking to my room. I really need to get a new hiding spot.

Luna and I left to our room and Naomi went to her. Aris forgot to mention that we all used to live in this guest house together. Now he claimed it and we sneak in whenever we know he met up with Kayla and stayed out late.

Kayla's pov

I woke up from the most peaceful sleep I've had in a while. It was time for me to get to work which I'm really not ready for. I turned out my night light and went into the living room to eat. I found a note on the counter. Weird.

I had a great time with you tonight, Kayla. Probably one of the best nights I've had besides the day we got dinner. I'm beginning to realize that I need to stop pushing away people that I have a good time with. You're now one of them. With the life that I've had, you are the biggest breath of fresh air ever and I really love spending time with you. Since I've met you I've done things I didn't think I'd ever do, like bake. This note may seem really all over the place cause I'm not that good at expressing my emotions. If you'd take the chance with me, Kayla, I'd like to be a whole lot more than just friends. Whatever happens next is up to you.


He likes me? Like genuinely likes me. This isn't a joke where I'm going to end up having to quit my job, is it? It has to be. He can't be serious. Why would he like me? He owns a multi-million dollar company and lives in a mansion. I live in an apartment and work for him. Why would he waste his time on someone like me?

I need to call my mom.

"Ma, what would you if a man wrote you a note practically telling you all their feelings? Basically saying that they want a relationship with you, but you don't know what to even do about it?" I rambled.

"Good morning to you too." she said. "First Kayla, if you're talking to me about this Aris boy you keep mentioning then there's nothing more to talk about. Just like him, you obviously have feelings for him too. So you need to put your big girl pants on and talk to him. Be honest. There's nothing wrong with mixing business and pleasure sometimes. I can already tell that this will be good for you. Now don't forget to visit me when I'm right. I would like to hear it too." she said. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"You were always straightforward." I said.

"That's the only way to be, honey. Now you need to be straightforward with this young man and give me some grandkids." she said.

"Ma!' I said. She laughed. She knows how to rile me up for nothing.

"I'm joking, but still. Get what you want. Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going back to sleep." she said before hanging up.

She's right. Time to be a big girl and just talk to him. What's the worst that could happen?

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