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Kayla's pov

I don't think I've ever had a night I felt so relaxed. Aris had already dropped me off. I stripped from my dress and got into the shower. I cleaned my body off and got out. I lotion up my body and slipped on a big t-shirt. 

I had a lot of fun tonight. I kinda slipped into little space, but not too much because I didn't want to cause him any trouble. Though I felt comfortable and safe. I'm not even nervous to go to work tomorrow. I'm just surprised that he wasn't too intense today. Maybe he was a little nervous  too.

I know I was nervous, but it was worth it. I grabbed Callie and got into bed for the night.

Aris' pov

After I dropped Kayla off I drove to my house. Tonight I decided to sleep in the guest home just because I didn't want to be bombarded today. I opened the door to find Luna, Naomi, and Lucas on the couch. "I told you he'd come in here." Lucas said.

"How do you know me better than I do?" I gritted through my teeth.

"I supposed to. I'm your right hand. I'm practically your brain. Besides Lia is my mother. Do you know how well she can read my father?" he laughed. We all know.

Lia will notice a change in Sin's steps. A difference in his breathing, smile or even laugh. She practically has his brain.

"Sooo how was it?" Naomi asked. I didn't say anything. Just thinking back on it alone was enough to make me smile.

"Ahh, the boy is whipped." Lucas said. 

"So are you going to listen to me? Or no?" Naomi asked.

"I might. Now out." I said, pointing to the door.

"Nope. I call a sleepover." Luna said, making me groan. When we all turned 5, Lucas, 4, and started training for the mafia. We decided that we'd have 'sleepovers.' That way none of us got too stressed or kept any problems from each other. The four of us are practically inseparable. As annoyed I may get with them, I'd die for any one of them.

"Now, you're going to tell us what happened." Luna said. "So don't even try to get away." I'm the only one who's practically having their first date. I walked over to the couch and sat in the middle.

"So I picked her up. Normal but I saw a stuffed animal on her floor so I think she is a little like I thought." I said.

"We drove down to the restaurant and she was, no she is so adorable. She started rambling about wanting to be in the contracting business. It was good to talk to a girl who has plans for her life. That aren't marry a rich man." I said.

"I'm planning on marrying a rich man." Luna said.

"You're already rich, Luna." I said. 

"That was a test, keep on with the story." she said. I rolled my eyes but continued.

"She joked that food was laced-

"It probably is. You never know what Nico would do." Lucas said. 

"That's what I told her. Anyways we talked for a bit and apparently I talk like an old man." I said, still in disbelief.

The three of them started to burst out laughing. "You do!" Naomi laughed. 

"Good evening." Luna mocked.

"You look very exquisite." Lucas mocked.

"Enough. I'm not an old man." I frowned. 

"You aren't. You just took after Blade." Lucas said.

I stood up from the couch. "I'm going to sleep now." I said. "Aww, we hurt his feelings." Naomi laughed. I scoffed and went into my bedroom. 

I just want to get out of this suit and get to sleep. I changed out of my clothes and took a shower. I slipped on some boxers and got in bed.

*    *    *

Kayla's pov

Maybe I'm a little nervous about work, but I can't bail. It wouldn't look good on my part. I got dressed in a white button up shirt and a gray blazer. I decided to stick with my skirts. I grabbed my purse and made my way down to my car. 

I drove down to the office to meet Mr. Harrison. "Good Morning, Ms. Richardson. Hope you're feeling alright today." he said.

I flashed him a smile, "I'm perfectly fine. It was just a small headache. I should be fine for the rest of the month." 

"Good. Your work from yesterday is on your desk. Mr. Knight has your work for today, which you'll get from him after lunch." he said.

"Thank you," I said going to my desk. I kinda forgot all about Aris. I have to pick up his lunch and give it to him. I know I'm going to be nervous around him because that is what happens. 

I sat at my desk and began to call in meetings. I wish I didn't let my nervousness make me already ruin my perfect attendance. I think it was worth it in the end because I got extra time in littlespace. It wasn't lunchtime, but I hadn't eaten breakfast this morning.

I finished up what I was doing and walked to the breakroom. I open the door to hear the sound of glass breaking. What did I do now?

I looked behind the door and realized I broke Aris' mug. "I'm so sorry. I did not mean to do that. Let me get the broom." I said.

Aris grabbed my sides and slightly lifted me. "No, I can't let you get hurt."  he said, sitting me on a chair. He cleaned up the glass and then came back to me. 

"What'd you come for?" he asked. I looked up at him with wide eyes. I forgot.

"Ummm food." I said. I almost facepalmed myself on the spot. God, you are so pathetic. Speak like a freaking adult.

"I mean I came down here to get breakfast since I didn't eat any at home." I said. His face faltered into a frown.

"Do you not have food at home?" he asked.

"No, no! I do have food. I just forgot." I said. "I woke up late." I pouted a bit because his staring was a little intense.

"You want me to make you something?" he asked. I shook my head. 

"I'm fine. I just want a muffin." I said. I quickly grabbed my muffin and tried to leave.

"Wait, I have a question." he said. I turned around and nodded. 

"Why weren't you here yesterday?" he asked.

"Headache!" I said quickly. His eyes narrowed and I could tell he didn't believe me. 

"I don't like lying, Kayla." he said. I gulped a bit as he looked down at me with his piercing eyes. "Would you like to tell me the truth instead?" he asked.

I didn't think today would be so intense. I thought it was going to be chill after the date. "I-i was nervous." I mumbled. 

"About?" he asked. 

"Seeing you because I had called you when I was little." I whispered. I was embarrassed about that. I wish I didn't do it.

"Why? I didn't mind." he said. I looked up at him.

"Wh-what?" I said.

"Well, I didn't mind at all. You were just honestly thanking me for the muffins." he said. 

I hate how comfortable I am with him in such a short time. I can tell he has so many walls put up. Though I can't help but be curious. 

"Really?" I whispered. He nodded which made me feel a little better. 

"Okay." I said.

He smiled and went to make himself another coffee. I left to go back to my desk. I felt relieved for the rest of the day. He doesn't think I'm weird. Or slutty. Or a gold digger. He just thinks I'm adorable and that's it.

I like that.


Author's note:

I think Aris need to pursue her already, but I'm trying to keep the story slow. Ya know. Thanks for all your support.

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