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Kayla's pov

I'm definitely regretting all those donuts. They were just so good though. I'm not filled with too much regret though. I'd do it again. I know I will.

This burger though. Even better. I love food. Maybe a little too much though. "Enjoying?" Aris asked. I nodded as I took another bite.

"If you're still up for meeting my family, my mom wanted to have dinner with you next week. I just wanted to know what'd you be comfortable with since they'll all be there." Aris told me. I forgot all about meeting his family.

Of course, I want to meet them. I just don't want for myself to get awkward. Though that's inevitable. From what he's told me I'll be meeting a lot of people.

"I can always ask my mom for it to be immediate family. If that'll ease your nerves it's all up to you. You aren't required to meet any of them." he said. I weighed my options. I feel like for the first time meeting them it'd be better to only meet immediate family. Just due to my nerves, I don't wanna break down into a panic attack of it.

I've only met Naomi and Luna. That was only because Aris was off his meds. I liked them but they did kinda make me nervous. "Immediate family would be more ideal. Though I wouldn't mind if Luna was there." I told him.

"Trust me. Luna would find her way there anyway." he joked. I laughed and went back to eating. I'm a little nervous to meet his family but I'm excited. Then soon he will have met my family.

My mom is excited to meet him. My dad not so much. He doesn't really want me dating and then my mom telling him about Aris' anger issues makes it worse. My dad always told me to never date someone like him. Of course that side of Aris does become a lot but I love him. I'm not gonna let that stop me.

. . .

That lunch break was needed. I didn't realize how hungry I was till I took the first bite. It was much needed.

We were sitting in his office while he worked. I was able to finish my work before lunch so technically I'm off. Though I wanted to stay with Aris.

I've thought more and more and I don't think I'd mind moving in with Aris anymore. I need a little more time but it's something I see in our near future. I mean I am about to meet his family and why wouldn't I want to live with him?

We're together most nights anyway. Aris sleeps over at my apartment almost every night. Even if he doesn't sleep over he waits outside my apartment for me to wake up in the morning. I love Aris and I don't see myself with anyone else.

I just hope he doesn't lose patience with me. I know in relationships people have needs. I just don't know when I'll ever be ready to do something that intimate with him.

It's different when I fantasize about it. I love the idea of it. I just don't know when I'll be comfortable enough to do it. It's not that I'm umcomfortable with Aris. It's just a small fear that I put into myself.

"Tesoro." I heard Aris call. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to face him. "You okay?" he asked. "I've been calling your name."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." I sighed.

"About?" he asked. I shopped my head and whispered a small "nothing." I don't want him to worry.

"Can't be nothing if you were picking at your thumb," he said. I sighed.

"Don't you think you'll get bored waiting for me to be ready? Guys and Girls have needs. It's in our nature to want that. I just don't think I'd been able to give you that any time soon." I rambled.

"Kayla, I'm not with you to fuck. I'm with you because I want and love you," he said. I blushed, shying away from him. "You know I don't care about that, right? I'm not with you because I want to fuck you."

"I understand," I mumbled.

"I wanna hear you say it," he said.

"You love me and you aren't with me to do it," I said. Aris motioned for me to come over. I got off the couch and went to his desk. He pulled me to sit in his lap.

He held me in his lap as he continued his work. His touch was comforting. He had a grip on my waist while managing to type with his other hand.

He was lightly bouncing his leg which is making me go in and out of little space. It was calming. I didn't want to slip because Aris was doing work.

I wanna slip so bad. I have to. I don't wanna repress it and then have a block. I just don't want him to get upset.

.     .    .

"Daddy?" I asked

"Yes, Tesoro," he said.

"How much longer for your work?" I asked. It's been a long time. I'm trying to be patient but I wanna go.

"Just another hour," he said. I sighed. "Can I go sit on the couch?" Aris let me go and I went to sit. I looked for my small box of colors.

I opened my coloring book and started to color. Coloring is so fun. Daddy got me a Tom and Jerry coloring book. I love Tom and Jerry. I love cartoons.

Maybe Daddy will let me watch cartoons on his phone. I was about to get up to ask when there was a knock at his office door.

"Come in," he said. The door opened and a woman came in. She had curly, black hair and wore a black pencil dress.

"Aris, honey. You didn't tell what your sweetheart, Kayla wanted for dinner," she told him. I'm guessing she's Daddy's mom. Oh no. That's his mom.

I'm little right now I can't just go out. "You can ask her," he said pointing to me. I looked down in my lap as she turned to look at me. I  wasn't expecting to meet her yet.

"So you're the girl that my Aris is in love with," she said. I took a deep breath and looked up at her. Jeez, I see where he gets his looks from.

"Hi," I whispered. She came over and sat on the couch. I was on the floor since I was coloring. I also rather sit on the floor when in little space.

"You are adorable. You're gonna have this family wrapped around your finger," she said. I blushed.

"I'm so happy you gave Aris another chance. He really loves you. I'm going to tell you a secret. Aris has some paintings of you." I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face.

He paints me. That's so sweet. I didn't think Aris would know how to paint. "Do you have a picture?" I asked. She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture.

My jaw dropped. These are beautiful. I mean some are a little intimate but they are perfect. I think I just fell in love with him again. He must've spent days on these.

"Don't let his words hurt you," she said. She squeezed my hand. "Now what do you want to eat for our dinner?" she asked.

"Pizza! No that's silly. Pasta." I said. After a while she left and Aris was done with this work.

"Ready, tesoro?" he asked. I nodded and cleaned up my colors. I could stop thinking of those paintings. I would love to see them in person. I know the time will come for that. "Are we parting ways or going to your apartment?"

"Me," I said, pointing to myself. Aris chuckled and picked me up onto his hip. Usually, I stop him but I was too sleepy too. I don't like people at work knowing. It's personal. Aris on the other hand doesn't care. He pins my drawings on his bulletin board in place of his work reminders. He'll keep all my little space things in his office, too.

Aris' pov

Kayla passed out before we even got to the car. Between all of the sugar she has and work, I figured she'd be tired. I need to start on her rules.

We've been going through some much, mainly because of me, that I haven't been thinking about them. I kinda wanted to wait till we lived together. I just don't know when that'd be. Better to start now so we can work on the discipline.

I unlocked her apartment door and laid her down on the couch. After I put all our shit down I locked the door and moved her to her room. I took off her work clothes and threw on a quick t-shirt. Since she was sleeping, I decided to get some rest as well.

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