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i ask the driver to stop a little way before the school entrance so i can walk the rest of the way. i start walking the remainder of the way to the school, soon finding myself entering the building. i walk around trying to find the principals office. once i do, i knock on the door and wait for a response. once i hear a muffled "come in" i steady myself and turn the handle, making my way over to her desk.

"ah! you must be cassidy, am i right?" she started with a too pleasant smile

"mhm yep that's me" i smile back, not too sure how convincing it looked.

"great! well here is your timetable, and it's just your usual rules, no phones during class except when granted by the teacher, put your hand up when you want to talk. you know the rest, and i'm sure i'll be able to count on you following them from what i've seen on your records. if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask!"

"thank you" it felt odd giving such a short answer following what she just said

"well enjoy your first day!"

"thank you" i said cursing myself for saying that for the second time in a row. after that mess i left to go and find my home room. after only a short while of searching, i finally found it. i prepared myself and walked in. all eyes were on me. conversations came quiet. and all i wanted to do was just run as far and as quick away as possible.

"guys! this is cassidy! the newest member of our team! this is her first day here so everyone be nice!" my teacher announced to everyone and they all went back to their conversations.

"alright, cassidy why don't you go take that seat right over there ok?"

"yeah sure. thank you."

again with the thank yous, bloody hell

after that i went over to the seat miss pointed too. i sat down and put my bag down beside me. looking around i notice other people on their phones and decide to pull mine out. i load up twitter for the first time this morning and start reading what people have to say. a few minutes later, i feel eyes staring into the side of my head. i turn to my left and see a girl sat on the desk beside me, staring.

"hi?" i say slowly

"hey! i'm ava! i just wanted to say you look really cool. like i love your outfit! and your hair! it's nice. do you have highlights?" this girl rushed out

"umm, thank you and no i don't have highlights. my hair is completely natural." i say slowly trying not to give this girl a look. even though i'm pretty sure i already am.

"no way! really!? well, it looks amazing! your not from around here are you? you accent doesn't fit."

"uhh yeah i'm not from here"

"where are you from?"


"no way! do all english people sound like you? do they all have as nice hair as you? do they all have great fashion sense? do you know the queen?!"

"no not all english people sound like me, not everyone has nice hair or fashion sense. and no i do not know the queen"

"wow" she breathed out "you are like, so cool"

"umm thank you, i guess" and with that the bell rang.

saved by the bell, thank god.

with that i was on my way to my first class of the day. english. and then physics, what is this?!

drapetomania ; sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now