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it was now tuesday and cassidy had biology. she just so happened to share that lesson with one sam thomas. sam and cassidy had grown quite close over the past few weeks. they would hang out and walk home together most days and cassidy would often share a lift in charlie's car.

it was finally the end of the lesson, and the school day, and cassy was relieved. she hated biology. the only thing she liked about the lesson was the seating plan, devin sat in front of her, mark (one of sam's friends) sat behind her. and sam sat next to her. they were the only things in that class keeping her in there.

"alright, use pages 17 too 21 to revise for the test next week. have a good rest of your day everyone" their teacher finished and let everyone start to leave the class. cassidy put her books and her pencil case into her bag and sam and her started to leave the classroom.

"sooo," sam dragged, nugging me in the arm, "wanna come over? it's pizza night, your favourite"

"one of my favourite's actually, but yes i will definitely come over. but we're going to have to drop by mine first so i can pick up some clothes"

"anything for you darling" causing a red flush to cover the girls face. they walk out of school and start the walk towards cassy's house. it doesn't take too long and when they get there cassy notices her dads car parked in the driveway. they walk inside and see that her dad is sat at the kitchen island.

"hi hun! you're back sooner than i expected" he smiled up from his laptop

"yeah well, we're not that slow. i'm going over to sam's for tea tonight by the way"

"okay that's all good don't worry, i have a staff dinner anyways. which by the looks of it, i was meant to leave two minutes ago! bye sam, bye hun. i'll send you some more money on your account in case you need it, love you!" he rushed slipping out of the door.

"well, he seems nice" sam suggested after the loud clatter of the door

"yeah, he's trying to be better. anyways, this is my house!"

cassidy pointed out different rooms and explained different parts of the house while walking to her bedroom to get changed. it was safe to say that sam was stunned at how large the house was. he had always assumed that it was big but he never thought it would be this big. probably double the size of watson's place.

she picks out a pair of grey joggers and a grey top, lined with white lace and went and changed in her en-suite, chucking on sam's jacket over the top. they head back downstairs and walk over to sam's house and head inside.

they decided to go upstairs and hang out in sam's room. as soon as the door opened, cassy threw herself at his bed and curled up on top of his dark blue duvet.

"are you tired by any chance, love?" sam smirked at the girl

god, she adorable

"yes, very." she said before log rolling over to what has now become 'her' side of the bed, " come be my pillow?"

"alright, let me go change quick" he spoke with an adoring smile plastered onto his face, he grabbed out some joggers and a hoodie and quickly got changed in the bathroom. before coming back and lying down on his bed. the shorter of the two climbed on top of him, bringing the duvet with her and resting her head in the crook of his neck. he draped his arms over her, rubbing small circles on her back, waiting to hear her quiet snores before falling asleep himself.

aw, what cuteys

hiya girly pops i'm back

it's almost been a year


anyways, hope you had fun with this one, it is currently 2 am so this is probably gobbledygook

who knows when you'll get another chapter! i certainly don't

toodles 😘

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