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first and second period past like a blur, as did first break. it was now time for something i could enjoy, music. i decided to have a head start, and started finding my way to the classroom. once i found it, i slowly opened the door, making sure there was a teacher. and thank the lord there was one.

"ah good morning young lady, i don't seem to recognise you?" a practically bold man who must be in his 50's by now, said to me.

"umm yeah i'm new, this is my first day actually" i smiled, properly for the first time today

"ah! you must be cassidy! i've been excited to meet you, your record from your old school is outstanding. you sing and you play piano, fantastic!"

"thank you" i said with a slight chuckle

"please take a seat wherever you would like"
i could tell this was going to be a good lesson. what more could i ask for, a laidback music teacher who will definitely know some 80's songs. let's just hope that my art teacher is as cool.

more kids started coming in, in little packs, some with instruments, and took their seats, while i sat there drawing hands. god i love drawing hands.

"excuse me, umm yeah you're in my seat" a kinda tall looking, brown haired, brown eyed boy carrying a guitar case, looked down and said to me. i looked up to him, looked him up down, and said;

"do i look like i care?" and before he could get another word in i spoke again,
"well no i don't. go find another seat, i'm sat here now" and i looked away and carried on drawing. he stood there for a second before moving to find an empty seat.

why did you say that?!?! you stupid stupid girl

sam's pov

me, chris, robert and jack make our way from first break, over to music. when we get there, there are some other people making their way in as well. there are already most of the class in the classroom when we enter.

"hey dude, isn't that girl in you seat?" robert points over to my usual seat, usually empty when we enter, but now filled with a random girl i have never seen in the class before. as i'm looking at her i notice she's drawing, and that's her fingers are covered in rings. she's wearing a couple chains as well. i notice the different hues and shades of blonde and brown throughout her hair. and how bright her eyes are blue. the guys talking breaks me out of my stance.

"you gonna tell her she's in your seat?" chris asks

"uhh yeah" i say and we all break off to our seats. i make my way through the rows and stop in front of her;

"excuse me, umm yeah, you're in my seat" i say immediately regretting it. she looked up at me and looked me up and down.

"do i look like i care?" she started, and before i could even begin to think of what to say, she starts again.

"well no i don't. go find another seat, i'm sat here now" and she looked away and carried on drawing. i stood there startled for a second, before moving across the room to an empty seat. i sat there confused and thinking about what just happened for the next few minutes.

drapetomania ; sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now