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it was now friday, and i realised that we had still not returned the tin that liz brought the cookies over in. i decided that i would drop the tin off at their house and then go on a walk. i got my shoes on and walked out the door and across the street, soon ending up at the entrance of the thomas-brewer household. i started up the driveway and knocked on the door, waiting for someone to come and open it. i soon heard footsteps and i took a tiny step back to give some more room. when the door open, sam was at it.

"oh hey cass" he smiled and leaned against the door frame

"hi, i finally remembered to bring the tin over" i smiled and gave a small laugh, handing it over

"uh thanks. um so i was wondering if you, like, wanted to hang out sometime, maybe?"

"oh sam i'd love to! if you want, i was just about to go on a walk, you come with me"

"uh yeah sure! let me put this down and i'll get my shoes on" he smiled and gestured towards the tin. he came back a couple seconds later with his shoes on and he stepped out the door. we started our walk, talking as we did so.

"so, cass i don't really know much about you. tell me about yourself" sam said around five minutes into the walk

"what do you want to know?"

"everything. your whole life story" he say exaggerating each word

"fine, but i'm not going into that much depth." we chuckled, "ok well for starters, my full name is addalin cassidy moss-" she started but was cut off

"wait, wait, wait. your real name isn't cassidy ?"

"no it is not"

"why do you go by your middle name?"

"oh my grandmother preferred it so she told everyone that my real name is cassidy, not addalin. so everyone started to call me cassidy. except my parents"

"can i call you addalin?"

"i mean if you really want to, sure"

"alright, please carry on addy" he smiled at me and i did so

" well as you know i'm from britain, i did baby ballet and carried on till i was twelve. i started doing singing classes at eight and only stopped last year when my parents started considering moving, also that whole time i was doing gymnastics. i taught myself how to skate at twelve and running is just something i've had to do my whole life, same with going to the gym. i would join my mum. piano! i started that at eleven! and now i'm teaching myself guitar and i've always been able to draw. and that's basically it"

"ok nice, nice. a lot of activities. wow"

"yeah, well when your mum's a model, you gotta keep up somehow" i dryly chuckled

"your mom's a model? wow, that's cool"

"yeah sure it is" i say and sam gives me an odd look

"you sure?" he asks

"oh no! it's great, she's amazing. amazing."

"why do i sense that you don't like your mom very much?"

"oh no i do, like her. yeah"

"tell me about it."


"come on don't play dumb. tell me what she did that pissed you off so much that you don't even like her anymore"

"sam this is pretty personal stuff"

"come on, she couldn't have done something that bad that you can't even tell your friends"

"actually sam, like, nobody knows. i'm pretty sure not even my friends in england know"

"look if you really don't want to tell me, that's fine. you don't have to. but when you're ready, i'm here. ok?" and after that cassidy lept into sam's arms. it was very unexpected, and caught sam off guard but nonetheless, he hugged her back.

"thank you" she spoke barely above a whisper

"hey, it's ok. don't worry about it" he said stroking her hair, trying to calm her. they stayed like that for a while. sam didn't want to let go until she was ready.

"i'm sorry"cassidy sighed, scared that she almost let everything flood out in front of her new friend

"hey, don't apologise. i'm here whenever you need, ok? remember that" they shared a smile and carried on walking, cassidy asking about sam. and them just getting to know each other.

drapetomania ; sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now