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it was now sunday and cassy was hanging out with ava, lola, jess and devin. they had been out getting ice cream while it was still slightly warm. this time next week it's going to be freezing. the group were currently sat on a bench at the park and cassidy thought that this would be the perfect time to ask them if they wanted to go to her house.

"hey do you guys wanna come around my place? my dad shouldn't be home for another hour or so but even if he is he won't mind" she asked the whole group. they all erupted into a series of 'yes's and 'oh my god definitely's. with that they started on there way to the girls house. around 25 minutes or so, they made it to cassidy's. her father not back yet just like she thought.

"welcome to my house" cass smiled as she pushed the giant door open. she held it open as her friends slowly walked in, looking like they were afraid to touch anything.

"alright, um do you think you could take your shoes off please. it's just we've been on grass which was muddy and a lot of this place is, well,white" she gushed and her friends completely understood and took them off straight away.

"so, what do you think?" she asked carefully

"it's beautiful" ava gawked

"it's giant" devin added

"it's pristine" jess said eyes wide

"well i love it" lola said excitedly

"great! follow me i'll give you guys a tour, just know this might take awhile" she said and they all followed her around the house, looking in every room.

(time skip)

it was now around six pm and all of cassidy's friends had left already. her dad was back and cassy was sat on the sofa going through her phone. she suddenly heard the door being opened and she got up to go see who it was. and of course, it had to be the one person she really didn't want to see. her mother.

"mum" cassidy said slowly watching her mother put her bag down on the counter top.

"addalin, doll, come here" her mother called her over, she reluctantly approached her mother. not fancying a hug right now. but cassidy didn't have to worry about a hug when her mother put her hands on both of her shoulders assessing every inch of her body.

"god i've only been away two weeks, what has your father been feeding you? in fact don't answer that, just hearing the names of food make me put on weight" her mother judge her and walked away again. leaving a teary eyed, sad and angered cassidy all alone. trying not to let her mothers words get to her.

hello my pomme de terres! thank u all so much for over 400 reads!
i hope u are all well and are having enough:

sorry for not updating in a while
i am now on a school break so i'll try and update more

have a great day!

drapetomania ; sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now