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it was saturday morning, and it was 5:30. her alarm had just gone off, she got up and got ready to go on her run. she headed out the door and got started. as it was saturday, she had time to go on a longer run, she had no time limit. she ran to the park as there was a big field there that she had grown a liking to running around. she was just finishing going around the field for the second time, when she saw someone who looked familiar.

oh! it's kristy, sam's little sister

i decided to go over to where she was retiring her shoe lace, and say hi to her.

"hi kristy!" i said as i stopped by her. her head shot up and a grin soon covered her face

"hi cassidy!"

"you out for a run as well?"

"yep. i used to run around here with loui"

"aw babes i'm sorry" i said giving her an apologetic smile, "you wanna run a lap with me?" i tried and kristy nodded. we started around the field, keeping at a steady pace. after we looped around i asked kristy if she wanted to go back. she said yes and we started on our way back to our houses. once we got there, we stopped outside of kristy's house.

"thank you cassidy. for running with me"

"oh of course babes, anytime. here, put in your number and anytime you want to go on a run or you just want to hang out. hit me up, ok?" classy said handing kristy her phone

"thank you cassidy, you're the best. and that's a lot coming from me" they both laughed and kristy gave her her phone back and they shared a hug before parting ways. when cassy got home, she went straight for the gym. which her dad had had custom built for her so she could practice her gymnastics still. it was a big, practically empty room. to one sided there was a treadmill and a bike machine. there were also weights, but no one ever really used them. the entire floor was wooden, so if she ever wanted to she could do some dance. in the corner there was a pile of matts for when she did her gymnastics so she couldn't hurt herself as bad. she did her workout before going to get into the shower. on the way she checked her phone, and saw she had a message from sam.

sammy boyyy 🕺

what was all that about with
my sister?

rich bich 🤑
we just went on a run together

oh ok
are you two like friends now
or something?

is sammy boy jealous

what the hell
why would u even ask that?
ur stupid
yk that

yeah so i'm supposed to be
writing this down as
'not jealous'
got it

go finish whatever you were
doing before this

thank u for finally letting
me shower

god u don't stop do u?

nope never

drapetomania ; sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now