Chap.5 || Frozen Heart

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!POV'S WILL BE SWITCHING A LOT! Also some flower husbands angst :)


Scott's POV

It's been a few days since I left, I ran to an ice spikes biome far away from my friends. It's nice here but I often get lonely.

I started learning to control my powers, I managed to make a huge ice castle. I tried my best to make my new place look at least a bit like Rivendell by adding some ice antlers.

I was sitting on the cliffside beside my castle when I spotted an owl flying towards me, it looks like one of my empires owls but how did they find me?

I held my hand out for the owl to land on, it landed on my hand. "Hoot hoot!" It said, luckily I could understand what it was saying. "You were sent by Aeor?" I asked, it nodded.

"Hoot hoot hoot." It said flapping its wings, "There's a way to cure Gem?" I ask, it nodded again. "Hoot hoot." "I have to go back?"

"Thank you for telling me." I said sending the owl back into the sky, I have to go back to my empire? But what if I hurt somebody again? No, I can already sort of control my powers so maybe it'll be fine?

I decided to go back anyway, I had to do it for Gem. I breathed in and out before shooting into the sky, it will probably take around an hour of flying to reach Rivendell.

After flying over many biomes and mountains, I finally arrived back in Rivendell. It looked the same, just with more snow. The ice spikes were still here but they stopped growing.

I could see a bright light shining from the church of Aeor, I landed right outside of it and walked in. The warm aura inside made me feel a lot more calmer about being here.

I saw a lectern with a book on it, I walked up to it and started reading.

Scott, my champion.

I see you have gotten my message. As you know, your friend GeminiTay has been injured.

She has what's called the frozen heart, when your powers went out of control it sent ice shards into her heart freezing it.

If she doesn't get cured, then she will be permanently frozen. But there is a way to cure it, that's by swapping the ice shards.

If you agree to cure her, you must know that you will be the one permanently frozen. The choice is all up to you, just know that in a span of 3 days she will go completely frozen as her body is too weak to fight the cold.

If you agree, there will be a book in your enchanting tower. Touch it and the shards will be swapped.

Best of luck.


I froze her heart? Oh god...

I have to cure her, she had always helped me, she's always been there in my darkest times other than Jimmy. She always helped me, now its my turn.

I closed the book and headed to my enchanting tower, I walked inside and saw a book sitting on a lectern. It was glowing white and blue.

I hesitated but placed my hand on one of the pages, it started glowing.

My eyes widened as I felt a sharl pain in my chest, my head was spinning and I fell onto my knee's. I feel dizzy...

My body felt cold as my body dropped onto the floor, I let the darkness take over me.

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