Chap.7 || He's Back...

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Wassup guys

Author is here with another chapter as a thank you for 500 reads! Also, thank you so so much for 2K reads on my other empires smp book!

Anyways, let's get into the story!

Gem's POV

I sat quietly at my desk, trying to figure out what the writing means.

I have been sitting here for hours yet I still can't figure out what this thing means! All chaos will resume? Break free? What does it all mean?!

A soul now trapped will lead to doom? Sounds a bit like Scott and Xornoth.

I realized there was another page, I must have missed that when I was flipping through the pages.

Just one tiny crack is all it takes, the soul will find it and then escape. A powerful sword lies within the ice, the other must find it to end it all. Once a soul faces his doom, the other will surely follow too.

One tiny crack? The soul will find it and then escape? Powerful sword? End it all? One soul faces him doom? Other will surely follow too?

What in the world does this all mean?! It has to be something about the future, it is the book of prophecies after all.

Maybe I could ask Shrub about it.

Scott's POV

I sat on the ledge of a cliff, staring into the ice spikes. I felt cold for some reason, I never felt cold. Not even in Rivendell.

I shrugged it off, maybe I should go check on Xornoth's crystal.

I jumped down from the cliff landing on an Ice platform I made, I made them so I didn't have to use my pathway down the cliff. I was getting better with my powers. Maybe once I could fully control them I can go back to my old empire.

I jumped onto another ice platform swiftly making my way down the cliff. I then followed down a path leading to a huge mountain. There was a huge ice door carved into it, I snapped my fingers and the doors started to open.

I smiled and walked inside, I clapped my hands once and watched as the door closed behind me.

It wasn't that dark, there was a chandelier made of ice in the middle of the room so it wasn't dark.

I made my way down the spiral staircase I made. I decided that even though my brother was trapped in a crystal, he could at least live somewhere cute and fancy.

As I walked down the staircase, I noticed that some of the ice was a bit purple. I kept on walking down the stairs when I realized that the ice was starting to turn more purple and red.

I panicked and ran down the stairs without a second thought. The ice and staircase was completely red and covered in red vines. Once I reached the room the crystal was kept in, a gasp escaped my lips.

The room was covered in red ice, red nether wart, and anything else red that you can think of.

What absolutely teriffied me was the fact that the ice spike wasn't there anymore, all that's left was the crystal Xornoth was kept in.

It was broken in half.

Xornoth escaped.

Shubble's POV

I smiled walking down my path, it was a lovely day in the undergrove.

I still can't take my mind off what happened yesterday. Is Xornoth actually coming back? There's no way right?

Xornoth was trapped, Scott even took him and ran away! He couldn't have escaped.

I stopped walking as I heard the sound of a rocket, I look up to see Gem flying down.

"Hello Gem!" I greeted, "Hello Shrub!" She greeted back. "What brings you here today?" I ask, "Well, I need to ask you something but can we head inside your base first?" I was confused but lead her inside my base.

Once we were in, she pulled out a book from her inventory and set it down on a table. "The book of prophecies? What's wrong with it?" I ask sitting down, "It's not whats wrong with it, its what's written inside it." She explains opening the book.

She flipped through the pages and showed me some sort of riddle. The book of prophecies tell the future but doesn't exactly get straight to the point.

I read the sentence, all chaos will resume? He will break free? What? Who's breaking free?-


No, it couldn't be right?...

Gem flipped the page showing another sentence, I read the sentence only for me to shake my head and read it over and over again.

"Shrub? You okay?" Gem called, "Y-Yeah..." I lied, I might know what this means but I don't want to panic Gem.

"Do you know what this means? I've been trying to figure out what it means but I can't." She shrugged, I sighed. "Well, I think this is pointing towards Scott and Xornoth." I started saying Xornoth's name with venom, "It says 'Surrounded by evil the magic goes weak, just one tiny crack he will break free.' You trapped Xornoth using the magic! Maybe it could be going weak and Xornoth could be trying to break free." I finished.

"Xornoth's breaking free?!" Gem yelled swiftly standing up, I pulled her back down. "Well, we don't know for sure but-" "It's the book of prophecies! It tells the future meaning Xornoth is breaking free!" She yells interrupting me.

It was true though, the book of prophecies never lies. I tried to calm Gem down but it definitely wasn't working, I sigh. Just as we thought we could have peace something just has to go wrong.

All of the sudden, the ground started to rumble and shake. Gem yelped and ran out in a panic, I ran out after her. The sky was turning dark and there was a huge red tentacle outside of my base.

This is bad...

Xornoth appeared a few feet away from us. Gem pulled out her staff and casted a barrier between us and Xornoth.

Xornoth smirked and disappeared, I look up at Gem as she looked down at me. A sweat dripped from both our foreheads.

"He's back..."

Word Count: 1039 Words

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