Chap.2 || Rivendell Festival

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I just realized I messed up Scott's mark/pattern, it was supposed to be on the left side of his face😭
Also, in this AU Gem and FWhip are siblings but this isn't connected to my previous story so their story on ruling different empires are different. The crown also doesn't exist so FWhip won't be showing it at the festival. 

Anyways, Enjoy the chapter!

-Panic Attacks

Scott's POV

I slowly wake up and reach for Jimmy only for my hand to fall on my cold sheets. I groaned and got up to see that Jimmy wasn't beside me, I pouted and headed downstairs. Jimmy was sitting on a stool eating his breakfast, right beside him was an empty stool that had a plate of food on the table. 

I sat down and yawned. "Morning love." Jimmy chuckled, "Morning." I said taking my fork and eating the bacon and eggs Jimmy made. "Ready for that festival?" He asks, I nodded in response. 

After having breakfast, Jimmy sadly had to go back to his empire but the girls are coming over to set up the area for the festival. I had my shulker box with me full of materials and all I have to do was wait for the girls. 

I walk outside only to see half my empire covered in ice spikes. Sure, I may have frozen some water with my frost walker boots but this wasn't water. I don't even have my frost walker boots on! I calm down cause panicking isn't going to fix this so maybe I can ask the girls about it. 

I fly over to where I planned on having the festival and set my shulker box down, time to wait for the girls I guess. 

It didn't take long, in a few minutes the girls were here. They asked me about the ice spikes but I just told them it was probably because of the snow. We shrugged it off and started building the area for the festival. 

After 2 hours of building we finally finished, there were white pillars around the huge table. There were of course golden antlers symbolizing Rivendell. The girls had to go and get ready but they said they would come back here in an hour. 

I decided to go back to my base to change aswell, I took off my armor and changed into my royal attire. I knew I couldn't leave Xornoth's crystal in my base, someone could steal it. So I decided to use the crystal as a necklace, the crystal will be safe plus I get to look more elegant. 

I put the necklace on and placed my golden antlers on my head, I quickly took a look in the mirror before winking at my reflection and running out of my room. I walked downstairs and headed out of my base. 

I opened the front door of my house only to be met with the cold Rivendell air blowing in my face, I sighed and walked outside. I was met with huge ice spikes now covering my whole empire, I started wondering where these ice spikes were coming from. 

Surely they weren't from Xornoth, he's trapped in the crystal. I started to worry as a million questions and thoughts ran through my head, I was snapped out of my thoughts by a cold gush of air. 

Right, the festival. I started heading to the area where the festival is being held at trying to ignore the many ice spikes growing in my empire, turns out the girls were already here! Katherine saw me and waved, "Hey Scott!" I waved back walking over to where the girls were. "You look amazing Scott!" Gem complimented, I thanked her and complimented everyone else's outfits. 

We started talking while waiting for everyone to arrive, we told them to wear a scarf of something so it isn't that cold cause it has been colder here in Rivendell. One by one everyone started arriving, we all had a chat before we all sat down at the huge table. 

"Attention everyone." I started, everyone stopped talking and all eyes were on me. "You may be wondering why I hosted this festival. Well, me and some other people have some news to share. We finally defeated Xornoth!" I announced, everyone other than Joey and the girls stared at me in disbelief. "You guys finally killed him?" FWhip asked, "Not exactly, we trapped him in a crystal with now way out." I explained, cheers erupted from the other rulers.  

We ate and had a lot of fun, I don't think we had this much fun since Xornoth appeared on the server. Might as well have the time of our lives while we can. It's been a couple of hours since the party started and everyone was starting to leave, the girls decided to help me clean up before heading home.

After everyone had left, I had the sudden urge to go into the Church of Aeor. 

I shrugged it off and went there anyways, there was a book on the lectern. Must be a message from Aeor, I open the book and start reading. 

Scott, my champion. 

I must warn you of something. Before Xornoth was defeated, he cursed you with nearly uncontrollable ice powers. Because of your powers, your empire has what's called the eternal winter. 

The eternal winter can only be caused by ice magic, the sadder you are the colder your empire gets. I will only say this once, Control it cause he will come back. 


I closed the book, Ice powers!? I know that I said I wished I had magic like Gem but I didn't mean it! What does Aeor mean by 'Control it cause he will come back?' 

I place the book back on the lectern and bowed as a thank you for warning me. I walked out of the church and walked to a pond that wasn't frozen making sure to take my boots off. I fell onto my knees, Xornoth cursed me? I mean yeah he hates me but why curse me? 


No way...

I could feel my breathing quicken, I was having a panic attack. Tears were threatening to fall, just as I finally have some peace. Chaos was bound to happen. 

The snowflake mark on my face started to glow a light blue, my hands feel cold. Suddenly, two ice spikes sprouted from the ground making me stumble back in fear, the surrounding area was now covered in ice. 

I quickly stood up and ran to my base, Rivendell was getting colder by the second. I opened the door to my base and shut it behind my back, I let out a breath I never knew I was holding. I slid my back down the door and pulled my knee's to my chest. I was scared, I didn't know what to do.


Maybe Gem does. 

Word count: 1149 Words 

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