Chap.8 || The End Of The Rivendell Twins

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Random fact: This was inspired by frozen cause it just made sense along with the empires series.

Just know that I'm not a doctor or anything so if something about Scott's injuries are wrong I don't know anything about it :)

This chapter is also very long so that's why it took days to write it- this is also the longest chapter I have ever written so you better enjoy.

Have a great time reading and crying!

-Mention of injuries

Word Count: 4747 Words

Third Person POV

Scott stared at the ground in shock.

The crystal was broken in half.

He dropped to the floor and took each part of the crystal in his hands.

He felt a presence behind him and looked back only to see a black flash.

He swiftly stood up and ran up the stairs and out of the mountain.

He scanned the area as his eyes landed on a black figure standing in front of his castle.

Xornoth stood in front of his brother's ice palace smirking.

The younger grit his teeth, "Xornoth..." He started saying his older brother's name with venom.

"Hello dear brother~" Xornoth spoke, his devilish smirk still plastered on his face.

"Your new empire would be boring to corrupt. Luckily I can corrupt the empires of your friend's~" The demon let out a chuckle and disappeared. Scott cursed to himself as he let his brother get away.

He couldn't let Xornoth bring chaos to the world anymore, him and his friends had already suffered for way too long.

Fighting and killing him would be the best option, Gem isn't here to help contain him. Scott would've been way too scared to ask her anyway, he didn't want to hurt her again.

He could maybe kill him with his weapons and powers but he had left his Rivendell sword in Rivendell, the one place he swore to never come back to. He had to do it, for his friends.

So with one last sigh, he shot into the sky and headed for his empire.

After flying through many different biomes, he had finally reached Rivendell. It was a lot colder then he remembered, maybe its just his powers. The ice spikes were still here though.

He landed gracefully on his stone path, after a quick glance around Rivendell he walked towards his secret meeting room.

Once arriving, he pressed a stone button and watched as the stone opened revealing a hallway to his meeting room.

He slowly walked inside the hallway and into his meeting room, it was still the same. He walked down the stairs and turned left to see his table sitting under the stairs.

On the table was his golden antlers and his sword, he carefully picked up the antlers and placed them on his head. Still a perfect fit.

He then picked up his sword, carefully caressing the shiny silver blade. Calming himself, he left his meeting room.

Maybe he could grab something from his house, to remind him of something he loved or from Rivendell.

He carefully placed his sword in his sheath and headed for his house. Upon arriving, he slowly opened the door. Luckily, no one was there.

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