Chap.6 || The Book Of Prophecies

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Scott's POV

I flew across a flower forest, the cold wind brushing against my face calmed me.

All I remember was passing out and then waking up on Jimmy, my other friends were also there. My powers went out of control and I hurt them...

I hurt Jimmy and my friends...

I've decided that I'm not coming back, I've already hurt Gem, Jimmy, and all of my friends. I can't risk hurting everyone else.

I could see my ice castle come into view, I slowly land on the balcony. I lean on the balcony and stare off into the ice spikes.

Even though I was practically immune to the cold, for once I was feeling a bit cold. I wasn't too cold though so I could handle it.

I glanced at my hands, they were white and a bit blue. They also had little snowflakes on them, I can't tell if that's good or bad so I shrug it off.

I walked into a secret cave I built. I place Xornoth's crystal on the ground. I point my hand to the ground and slowly raise it, an ice spike slowly sprouted from the ground and took the crystal with it.

I rose my hand till the ice spike reaches the ceiling, I closed my hand and let out a breath. My powers were getting better and I could almost fully control them. Just have to make sure I don't get extremely upset or scared.

Gem's POV

"S-Scott..." Jimmy muttered as Scott hurriedly flew away, he looked different.

I think he got scared cause he saw all of us together, he knew that he might hurt the others too. But, just because he accidentally hurt me doesn't mean he could hurt anybody else! His powers went out of control again so he thought he hurt us and flew away.

Jimmy was sobbing on the ground as Katherine went to his side to comfort him.

I heard Katherine say something about escorting Jimmy to his sister so he could calm down. Lizzie is the only person I know who can easily comfort Jimmy.

That's when I had an idea, the secret library! I could search for information about ice powers there.

"FWhip, I have to go somewhere. Message me when Jimmy calms down." I whisper taking out my rockets, "Okay, just stay safe." He said as I jumped off the cliff flying my way to the library.

After some time flying, I found the little hut and headed inside. I went down into the library and started searching. I came across a book, 'The Book Of Prophecies'  

The Book Of Prophecies? Does it predict the future or something? I flipped through the pages, all of the pages were written about things that happened in the past. Maybe this does predict the future. 

I continued flipping through the pages when I came across a very interesting page.

Two souls trapped in an endless battle since the beginning of time, chaos and order, light and dark, hot and cold. One cannot exist without the other, for if one soul dies, the other is sure to follow. 

Wait, is this about Xornoth and Scott? If one soul dies the other is sure to follow? Does that mean if we didn't contain Xornoth and just killed him... 

Scott would have died?

I continued and flipped to the next page of events that I don't think had happened on the server. 

The endless battle finally ends, A soul now trapped will lead to doom. When one is at his weakest point, all the chaos will surely resume. Surrounded by evil the magic goes weak, just one tiny crack he will break free. 

All chaos will resume? Magic goes weak? Break free soon?

What does it all mean? 

I need to bring this back to my empire to figure this out. 

I close the book and pick it up from the lectern I place the book in my inventory and headed out of the library. 

Shubble's POV

I was peacefully walking around my empire when I heard a familiar voice. 

"Well hello there Shrub..." 

Who was that?

"Sad you don't remember the person who made all of that beautiful red corruption around your little server..." 

Corruption? Xornoth?...

"Hm, good to see you again Shrub."

What are you doing here and how are you talking in my head!?

"That is something that you should find out yourself." 

You should be dead! How are you talking to me?!

"Well, you will find out eventually. For now, take this as a warning to never try and stop me again. I will come back..." A low evil laugh followed. 


Xornoth's gonna come back?...

Word Count: 768 Words 

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