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A/N: "The map you see is a map of the world you are now in

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A/N: "The map you see is a map of the world you are now in. It is personal art of mine and I hope yall like it." 

Many many years ago in a land known as Craidor peace and prosperity reigned supreme.  The human king Arther was a kind and just king ruling over his people trying to maintain the peace and always making sure to keep himself in check. He founded the alliance and wanted to create a land where all were equal and shared in the wealth and resources that were produced. The humans kingdom provided a steady stream of goods from food, tools, and other needs. And their army stood proud defending the land from all her enemies. 

However, humans were not the only creatures to live in Craidor. Te graceful elves inhabited the territory to the north.  They were the first to become allies with the humans and were happy to share their culture with their neighbors to the south. They provided beautiful paintings, sculptures, and wonderful music that was very well sought after all over the land. Not only that but, their scholars had much to teach everyone and were more than happy to share their knowledge. They also provided powerful soldiers and the most deadly of them all were the archers' whose aim seemed perfect. 

Next in the alliance were the mighty dwarves. they dwelled in the far northern mountains high. There they built massive cities and keeps with extensive mines running deep within the mountains. iron, precious metals, and gems poured out like rivers from these mines and, the dwarven craftsmanship was like no other. Beautiful jewelry and fancy things made of gold and jewels ran out of the forges. So did their powerful weapons and war machines as well. The dwarves provided many powerful weapons to defend the land as well as their army with each dwarf more than happy to fight with their allies. 

But far east dwelled the dragons. These massive beasts dwarfed everyone in size minus the giants and, were very dangerous. They cared not for the alliance and its people and would be known to attack or even devour any and all who dared to come into their territory. and located in a circle of mountains was the dragon keep. it was a massive fortress built by the dwarves but was taken by the dragons. It serves as the home of the fire Draken clan. The most powerful clan of dragons around. Their king Smaug ruled over the territory and would crush any and all who threatened his people and land. His eldest daughter Scarlet was destined to take the throne from him but, until that day came he continued to rule. 

And far south of everyone over the great mountains lived the giants. Massive humans beings that towered over their smaller counterparts and were far stronger. The giants were not advanced as the other races. They built their homes from wood and other raw materials they could find. They preferred however to live in caves they found and mostly kept to themselves. 

Everyone lived in peace and the alliance decided to not interfere with the dragons and giants given the fact they wanted nothing more than to be left alone. But that all ended when the Horde came.  

Out of the far west over the dark mountains, a massive army of orcs, goblins, and trolls poured out and started to attack everyone. At first, they entered the dragon territory to which Smaug ordered they be destroyed. But when a few of his warriors went to destroy this army not one of them came back. 

The Horde moved further into the dragon's territory heading straight for the mountain pass that lead to the Alliance territory. It was even said they were going towards the giant territory as well.  The Horde poured through the pass and ruthlessly attacked any town and village they found. They pillaged, raped, murdered, and burned everything in their path. 

King Auther along with the other Alliance leaders quickly declared war on the Horde and sought to see them destroyed for their crimes against their lands. They combined their armies into one massive force and sent it straight into the jaws of war. 

The soldiers were all too eager to defend their homes and families. They quickly clashed with the Horde and the war for Craidor began. At first, the Horde destroyed any Alliance forces that they came across but, soon they began to be pushed back. The humans, elves, and dwarves fought as one as they attempted to drive out this evil force. 

They started to win battle after battle and eventually, they drove the Horde back through the pass and managed to hold them there. But that was the end of the Alliance push. Arther feared that if their army was seen in the dragon territory Smaug would send his army to their kingdom and attack his people. 

So until a way presented itself where they could launch a campaign against the horde without bringing the wrath of the dragons upon them. The Alliance held the mountain pass enduring attack after attack as the horde tried to push once again into the Alliance territory and wipe the rest of the Alliance out. 


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