Chapter 11

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No one's POV 

It was the middle of the night and deep within her chambers Scarlet was sleeping peacefully on her bed with little William sleeping by her side leaning happily enjoying the warmth that radiated off her smooth soft underbelly. Her wing was carefully draped over him as a protective blanket for him. 

Only the sound that was heard throughout the large cavern was Scarlet's gentle breathing which only nulled the two even more into sleep. 

But soon the Scarlet's ears picked up the sounds of something walking towards them from the other side of her massive wooden doors. Scarlet perked her head up and looked at the door, and upon focusing on the door she quickly determined that due to the noise of the steps, the creature that was walking towards them was smaller than a dragon and the sound of the steps also seemed metallic. 

Scarlet looked down at William only to see the boy was still sleeping as if nothing was happening.

Scarlet then slowly stood up careful not to wake up the boy who gently slid off her side and laid down on her bed still sleeping happily, then the dragoness turned to the door and waited to see what would come through but as she looked at the door the sound of the creature walking had stopped and once again silence returned. 

Scarlet's POV

Scarlet: "What in the world was that noise?" She asked curiously 

Just then she heard a small buzzing behind the door followed by the cracks of the wood letting a bright white light shine through.

Scarlet: "What in the seven hells is this wizardry." She roared getting low ready to fight. 

Just then the door shattered into a million pieces with a loud boom sending dust, rock, and shards of wood/metal everywhere throughout the room. Scarlet covered her head with her wings preventing the debris from hitting her eyes. 

After a few quick seconds Scarlet lifted her head and was horrified beyond measure at the slaughter she saw. Down the hallway lay the bodies of her family.  Her sisters were lying on the floor in the center of the hallway with large deep lashes across their necks. Her brother had a stab wound in his chest right where his heart was with both his wings cut off the look of fear and terror still on his lifeless face. 

And lastly right outside her now destroyed door her parents lay with both their heads cut clean off, and the once grey stones of the floor and walls were now crimson red with the blood of her once alive family. 

Scarlet: "No no no what happened who did this? "She cried out with in horror as tears streamed down her face. 

???: "Dragon stand aside or die like the rest of these worms." A stern voice called out to her from the base of the door. 

Scarlet looked down only to see a lone human dressed in full plate bearing the symbol of one of the Helm's paladins. His entire body was covered in plate armor that was white and shined brightly like a star. In his left hand, was a shield that held the marks of fire and claws hitting it relentlessly, and in his right beautiful long sword that was dripping with the blood of her family. 

???: "Give up the boy and aid the Alliance or you will meet the same fate as your family." He shouted while pointing his sword towards her. 

With sadness, horror, rage, and hatred filling her eyes her pupils turned to thin-lined slights, and a thunderous growl escaped her mouth while she used her clawed hand to wipe the flowing treas out of her eyes, and black smoke came out of Scarlet's nostrils. Scarlet stomped on the stone floor cracking it in several places as she stood tall ready to fight. 

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