Chapter 6

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No one's POV

It was a beautiful morning over the land of Craidor. The sun was peaking over the mountain tops which painted the sky in breath taking display of reds, yellows, and oranges. And only a few white fluffy clouds were seen dotted the sky with a sweet gentle breeze slowly pushing them eastward.

And down to the surface admist a mighty mountain range the fortress of the dragons was shinning in it's full glory.

Numerous dragon species were seeing flying around the skies, or walking around the rocky surface around the keep.

And within a chamber located deep within the the fortress a young human boy was starting to stir awake from his slumber.

Little William slowly opened his eyes and was at first enveloped on darkness, but after his eyes began to adjust to the room's lighting he saw much more.

He saw a massive leathery material draped over him, and a long tail that was covered in black scales laying on top of his lower half. His back was against something soft and warm which also moved up and down ever so slightly.

He rubbed his eyes trying to get rid of the remaining tiredness and said.

William's POV

William: "Daddy, Cubo where are you?" He said looking around for them.

But just as the last words left his lips his entire world began to move. The leathery drape infront of him lifted up and the object he was laying against began to shift slightly.

He heard a female voice hum slightly towards his left. And when he looked towards it he became greatly horrified.

For what he saw was a massive dragon's head lifting up and looking towards him. And at that moment all his memories of the past few days rushed back to his mind.

He remembered getting kidnapped by the drow assassin, them getting taken by the dragon only to be brought to their home way up in the mountains.

But before he could say another word the dragoness leaned closer to him and said.

???: "Morning little human, how are you feeling?" She asked curiously in a sweet gentle tone.

William was beyond terrified and it shown all over is face, but he tried to be like his father and mustered the courage to speak.

William: " I'm.... Ok... Miss dragon....." He said in a shakey voice.

???: " Good I hope you stayed warm throughout the night, and none of that miss dragon. You may call me Scarlet." She said with a smile.

William: " Ok miss Scarlet." He said still terrified.

Scarlet just sighed a bit then proceeded to lift him up with her tail which caused the boy to yelp out in both fear and shock. She then slowly deposited the William right Infront of her then uncoiled her tail from his small frame.

Scarlet: " Now listen to me human. " She said a bit stern. " You are now my pet. I don't care where you came from or who you were, but as of now you belong to me."

William: " But I don't want to be a pet." He said trembling. " I want to go back to my daddy." He said with tears threatening roll out of his eyes.

Scarlet snroted and looked at William slightly angry.

Scarlet: " What didi just say boy? You are my pet and that is final understand!" She said loudly.

Upon hearing her get angry at him. William quickly backed up a little bit, but tried over himself and fell to the ground. Tears streamed down his face as he curled up into a ball trying to sheild himself from the enraged dragon.

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