Chapter 5

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No one's POV

Deep within the forest Jacob and his men were in hot pursuit of Shadow. Even though the drow was using magic the speed away Jacob and his men were still able to follow him along with Thorin and his dwarves right behind them.

Shadow on the other hand was getting tired and burning through a lot of spells just to stay at a good pace in front of the Alliance troops.

Shadow's POV

Shadow: "These guys just don't give up." He said hatefully. " I need to find a way to lose them before it's too late." He said looking around desperately.

As if luck smiled upon him Shadow spotted a large group of trees in the distance that would be very difficult for a horse to navigate.

Shadow: "Perfect that will... "

Just then behind Shadow came a booming sound which turned out to be a fireball launched by a human mage that amounted to his pursuers.

The spell sipped by his left side and exploded just a few inches to his left. The fire burned his armor and exposed his skin and threw him back several feet.

Shadow: " Ahh." He cried out in pain.

The drow quickly tried to stand up with his side burning with pain and as he did he heard a several twang noises. He glanced back just in time to see several arrows flying toward him.

Thinking quickly he used his reflexes to dodge the arrows but as soon as he turned his back another arrow fired from Jacob whipped by his face creating a nasty cut along his cheek and jaw.

Shadow cried out in pain yet again and stumbled towards the trees while holding his bleeding face. Luckily for him he managed to reach the trees and jump through the barley avoiding more arrows and spells that struck the trees with loud thuds and booms.

Shadow: "That dumb orc is going to pay me double for this." He said pained and annoyed.

After he was safe amount the trees he glanced back only to see his plan succeeded in preventing the soldiers from coming further.
Just then the lead knight appeared and roared at him.

Jacob: " You will pay for taking my son Drow mark my words we will meet again and my blade will run through your heart." He roared in anger.

Shadow: "First you got find me o great paladin but until then fair well." With that said he turned and using the last spell he had for the day vanished into the night.

Jacob's POV

Jacob cursed the drow once again then turned back to his men.

Jacob: "Let's get back to Arwen I'm sure she has freed Matthew from those orcs by now." He said hopefully while riding back through the woods.

No one's POV

Meanwhile back with Arwen.

After seeing William get carried away by the dragon Arwen along with her troops quickly raced back into the woods to find Jacob and the others. They rode through the woods while tracking the others with both magic and any other sign they could use.

A thousand thoughts raced through Arwen's head as tears ran down her face. The boy she cared for and helped raise for several years was kidnaped by a drow assassin and now was in the claws of ruthless dragons. In her mind, she failed to protect him, but what got her the most was now she was going to have to tell Jordan that his son was now lost.

After several minutes of riding they managed to reach a crossroad just as Jacob and his forces arrived and each one of them seemed to be fuming from the rage, they were all dealing with.

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