Chapter 12

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Question for anyone who is reading this would you all like to see a newer version of the world map with a drawn path of where our heroes are? 

No one's POV 

The sun was rising over the plains which cast a wonderful picture in the sky of warm colors dancing together high above. 

Down among the valley near the base of the mountain range Jacob and his party were casually riding along keeping an eye out for any sign of Horde partols or any other type of threat. They taken a small rest through the night with one of them keeping watch over the others and to their luck their night went without any sign of danger. And as soon as the sun peaked over the horizon they all quickly mounted their steads and continued their journey to the northern mountains. 

The area around them seemed to be unfazed by the war as the grass went as far as they could see and was a healthy green color, and among the grass were several rock groupings and patches of flowers that dotted the landscape further adding to the beauty. A gentle breeze blew around them which brought along the sweet smell of the grass and flowers to the group's nostrils which made the elf happily smile as she took in the surroundings. 

The dwarf however didn't share her love for the land and occasonaly sniffled and rubbed his nose as the pollen from the flowers messed with his sinuses. But at the head of the party rode Jacob who didn't seem to care of what was going on around him as he kept his eyes locked ahead towards the vast mountain range where he knew the dragon's stronghold lay within. 

Jacob's POV 

Jacob: "Hopefully we won't have any more delays and reach those mountains within three days." He said determined. 

Just then he heard a small whimpering that came from his right side. Jacob broke off his gaze away from the mountains and looked to his side and quickly saw Cubo who was trotting beside his horse. 

The large warhound looked up at his master and let out another little whimper with what could only be described as a saddened. Jacob gave the hound a small smile and then said. 

Jacob: "I know Cubo I miss him too, but don't worry we will find him soon." He said hopefully. 

Even with his words of reassurance Cubo just looked forward again let out yet another sad whimper before walking in silence. Jacob then proceeded to resume his gaze towards the mountains but before he could fully reenter his state of mind again Arwen rode up beside him and spoke out. 

No one's POV 

Arwen: "Jacob I have to say this land is quite beautiful even though it is owned by the dragons." She said simply.

Jacob just looked at her and then scoffed hatefully while looking back in front of him. Arewn frowned a bit not getting the response she would have liked to get out of him. She thought it would be a good thing to take his mind off his pain and distress, so not wanting to give up she figured she try again. 

Arwen: "Yeah I figured this place would be burned and Barron, but I'm surprised they have kept it all like this maybe the dragons aren't mindless beasts like we originally thought."  She said with a small smile. 

Jacob: "So what you think we should just befriend them now too." He said coldly. "They kidnapped my son Arwen I don't care how beautiful this land is once I find the dragons that took him I will drive my sword through their hearts."

Thorin: "Agreed all these oversized lizards have done is claim to be superior to all and attack our keeps, slaughter my people, and steal our treasure that we worked to free from the depths of the earth." He said bitterly. 

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