Chapter 4

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The full moon was shining brightly while millions of stars danced around the sky. A gentle breeze blew through the trees letting the leaves rustle a bit, and the songs of crickets filled the air while lightning bugs lit up the forest floor.  

Within the Alliance, keep soldiers were either sleeping or watching the walls. Several dozen guardsmen quietly watched the surrounding area listening to the sounds of the night while looking for any sign of enemy movements. 

However, just at the tree line a small group of orcs had just arrived and were watching the keep with great interest. But they were not alone. Along with the orcs, the legendary drow assassin Shadow stepped out and examined the keep. 

Shadow's POV 

Shadow: "So this is where the target is." He said coldly. 

Orc scout: "Yes it is." He said with a smile. 

Shadow: "Alright stay here and await my return." 

Orc scout: "Of course great one." 

Shadow just rolled his eyes and darted towards the keep with incredible speed leaving the orcs to remain at the tree line.

He dashed across the field and stopped upon reaching the massive stone wall.  Shadow glanced up and spotted light moving back and forth across the wall which originated from the torches that were held by the watchmen. 

He then began to quietly sneak around the fortress while keeping to the shadows as he searched for any way to sneak into the keep. It took a few moments to completely circle the keep and was very disappointed to find no way to enter the keep minus the main gate. There were two smaller gates located in the back of the keep, but they were double locked and even had magic cast over them preventing any type of entry from the outside. 

Shadow: "Dang this place is impressive." He said with a slight grin. "But no place is impenetrable." He said while continuing to search for a way inside. 

Shadow made his way back to the main gate and began to try and find a way in. Unfortunately, he once again found the gate sealed tight with guards posted just on the inside. 

Shadow: "Dang whoever is running this place sure took the extra step to lock this place down." He said now annoyed. 

Just then he heard something approaching in front of the gate. The Drow quickly backed into the shadows and looked towards the new noise. 

At first, he couldn't make it out, but as it grew closer he began to realize what it was. He saw a horse-drawn cart that was carrying supplies to the keep. He smiled happily as the cart drew close cause now he had a way into the keep. 

He waited patiently for the cart to arrive at the gate. Once it got to the gate Shadow dashed out of the shadows and rolled under the cart. He reached up and grabbed the supports for the wheels and pulled himself off the ground and hung to the floor. 

Gaurd: " Who goes there?" He said in a ruff deep voice. 

Driver: "It's me, Anderson, I got fresh supplies from the capital." 

Gaurd: "Alright come on in." 

With that, the massive gates opened up and the cart slowly made its way through along with Shadow holding on to the bottom. 

He stayed on the bottom of the cart as the cart slowly made its way into the keep. H heard the massive gates close behind him which informed him that there was no turning back now. He looked to his left and right and saw the numerous soldiers of dwarves, elves, and men walking around the grounds ensuring the keep was secure. 

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