♟Chapter 6: Hearing lost kids [ Extra long ]♟ ^

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Now listening to:

"Sleep well,darling..."

That was the last thing you heard coming from your boss before drifftening to the world of sleep last night. You couldn't remember anything else, as if you got your memories errased. The only thing that was in your mind was the dance from the night before.

You could feel the strong sunlight hit your closed eyelids, even if the whole house was silent. You groaned tiredly, hesitating to open your eyes. You don't know where were you laying, but it was so soft. Since your self-defense instincts told you to do so, you opened your eyes sleepy.
You were greeted by a completely different sight of the one you were used to. You weren't in your room, and you started to panick.

'Where the fuck am I??'

You sat up, kinda scared since you didn't know where were you. Standing up, you looked around more carefully, noticing the room's details. It was pretty simple, there were only a queen size bed with cream colored silk sheets. The walls were painted with a light yellow color, and next to the bed was a matching nightstand with a small lamp. There was also an empty wooden closet and what looked like a bathroom.

Still confused, you walked outside the room to be met with a large hallway that showed three more closed rooms. Everyone had a name tag on it, showing familiar names to you. On the first room said "Michael" and a little drawing of a fox. The next room said "Elizabeth" with messy pink letters and the last room said "Evan".

'Wait...Aren't those Mr, Afton kids I met at the pizzeria??...'

You saw that there were other stairs leading somewhere upstairs, probably there were other rooms there. You didn't knew the date or even the hour,so you continued investigating the house and walked downstairs. You ended up with a doorframe in front of you, that showed part of an illuminated room. Walking towards it, you noticed it was the kitchen.

It was surprisingly big, with a large and high marble table, as well as chairs. There was also the kitchen table, with a wooden shelf that held several knives of various sizes. There was a bowl of assorted fruit, and a large gray refrigerator. Matching white cabinets were upstairs, all closed. Finally, you noticed that there was a sealed white envelope on the table, with your first name written on it. It was dedicated to you. Taking it, you ripped the paper off and opened the perfectly folded paper.

Dear Y/N,

Hope you slept well. I don't know if you remember the events of last night, but simply you fell asleep on my arms after dancing with me. Since I didn't know you house address and I didn't wanted to wake you up, I just took you to my household. If you don't find me or my kids in the morning is probably because they're at school. They were awake at 7 am. I'm at work if you're reading this right now. And please, do not worry about being late, I already informed Henry about your delay. You looked exhausted, so I decided to let you sleep a bit more. Get ready, take your time if you want, you can even bath if you want. I left you on your closet a pair of clothes of my ex- wife, I hope they fit you. You can also investigate the house if you want, but do not go to the third floor without my permission. It's an order. There are chocolate chip pancakes on the oven ( don't ask why), the honey and the syrup are on the highest shelf in the kitchen. If you don't like that kind of food, I left you £20 inside the paper envelope where you found this letter. Now dear, I advise you to get ready for work after eating your breakfast.

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