Chapter 11: Everything back to normal?

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Everything felt so dull. Everyone was silent. I went back home, alone in my misery. I know it was selfish of me, but I blamed myself. That kid just wanted to have a happy birthday, and he trusted in me, but I couldn't do anything to save him. I couldn't stop Michael's prank. I don't blame the teen, though. I would have wanted to have my fun with my friends too. I think I should go for Michael and Elizabeth. Or maybe not...

I don't know. I think William is arranging the date for the funeral. That day I dreaded so much. I can't even imagine how William is feeling. I should be there for him, but I can't bring myself out of bed right now. I don't have the energy to do so. I've been crying non stop, actually. Some time for myself. But it had finally stopped. The guilt still ling there, but the crying was done. I couldn't cry anymore. I wouldn't rely on things like alcohol, because I just couldn't do it. So I just closed my eyes once again and tried to sleep.

- A few days later-

The funeral was on Saturday. The event went on slowly, almost as if everyone was feeling dull. It was a closed casket funeral, because seeing Evans crushed brains and skull would only have made things worse. It would have definitely been a gruesome sight, and I'm sure my stomach wouldn't have been able to stand that. Just to think that Evan was inside the casket made my stomach flip with disgust. Some people that came were Mrs. Schmidt family, which somehow was kind and gave William the proper condolences a grieving father like him should receive.

Mrs. Schmidt herself was there, but she didn't cry. She didn't express any emotion, actually. Maybe it was the grief, or maybe it was something else. Maybe she never loved her kids. Such a bad thing, because those kids were wonderful. Williams family couldn't came, because the father was in a perpetual sentence at prison and the mother had died years ago. Or that's what police told him. He said they didn't find any corpse, so he thought she might still be there. The father wasn't a good person. He said if I really want to know, he could tell me later what happened.

There also came some people close to the families that were there, some relatives and friends. Everyone gave their own speech of how wonderful Evan was and how they felt about his passing.

"He was a wonderful kid. He was too young to die,, he had so much to live for. But now he's in a better place, and we will all hold him in our hearts." Henry said.

"We will all miss him. I loved him dearly, even though i couldn't be with him much." Mrs. Schmidt said.

"I know we will all miss him. Even though he was suffering his own problems, as the close people to our family may know. He would have lived way longer, but things are done and we can't go back. I will miss him dearly, and I hope he can rest wherever he is." William said.

"Evan was a very important person to me. I just met the Afton family a few weeks ago, but that kid really got a special place in my heart. He was really sweet and innocent, always trying to make everyone happy. In his mind was a beautiful world full of happiness and colors. He isn't here with us right now, but he will be always in our hearts. Rest In Peace, dear Evan." I said with tears in my eyes.

Then everyone gave their little condolences hugging each other, and I couldn't hold my tears longer. I stepped down from the altar where I gave my speech and tried to dry the flowing tears in my face, my sobs muffled. I calmed down a little and walked up to Michael and Elizabeth, both kids crying loudly. Elizabeth's wail could be heard all over the place, and Michael just stood there crying without making a single noise.

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