01. A Shell of a Girl

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There were some things you never expected go through at such a young age

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There were some things you never expected go through at such a young age. For some, that's losing a loved one. For some, it's getting into a freak accident and having a near death experience.

For me, well...my school was attacked. I helped defend it from the very embodiment of evil. In turn, I lost some good friends. Friends who could never return to me, even with being a witch.

The Battle was all I could think about as I laid in bed, hands clasped together, eyes on the ceiling. I hated to think about it, but it seemed that was all that was on my mind anymore.

A small meow from below made me turn my head. With a chirp, my brown cat, Nala, jumped onto the bed. She waddled to me, pushing her head against one of my arms. I sighed, hearing her loud, throaty purr.

"I know, I should get my lazy arse up," I said dramatically. Sometimes, I envied my cat. All she had to worry about was how much sleep she got, when she ate, and when she had to use the bathroom.

I sat up, with Nala still head-butting my body. She arched as I ran my hand over her smooth fur. She kept my bad thoughts away at the moment, but I knew as soon as she disappeared, they'd come back. They always did.

When I slid out of bed, Nala took my spot, blinking at me. Silly thing. I rubbed her head for a few minutes before I slowly shuffled out of my room. I was mechanical in my movements, I'd felt this way for over a year now. It'd been that long since the Battle of Hogwarts.

Just thinking about the school brought back memories, good and bad: my Sorting into Ravenclaw, my excellence in Potions, meeting my three best friends, meeting my now-ex, and let's not forget the battle Lord Voldemort waged on the school. A lot more happened in my years at Hogwarts, but those were real prominent in my mind at the moment.

I wanted to go back to finish out my final year, I really did. The problem was, I didn't feel mentally capable. Who would want to finish out their final year of school while battling horrible memories that could attack at any time?

I was a shell of myself. That Ravenclaw girl got left behind at school, practically forgotten about. The Battle took her. It took so much from me. Thank Merlin it didn't take my parents. They seemed to be the only people who were keeping me sane, and Nala of course. She was therapeutic to have around, I could talk to her and she'd listen and not judge. I never expected my companion to Hogwarts to also be an emotional support animal, in a way.

I took my time getting down the stairs and into the kitchen. Dad was engrossed with a newspaper at the table, and Mum was busy working on breakfast. I noticed the pile of dishes in the sink.

"Need me to clean those up, Mum?" I asked her tiredly.

Mum jumped slightly, offering me a slight smile. "Didn't hear you come in, sweetie. You really need to stop that."

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