09. Territory War

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            I was surprised to not find myself tied down to anything when I came back to reality

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            I was surprised to not find myself tied down to anything when I came back to reality.

I was left on the kitchen floor, the last place I remembered being. Draco Malfoy was nowhere to be seen. Reminders of our fight in the kitchen still lingered. The telly was still going in the next room.

A dull headache drummed in the back of my skull. Groaning, I sat myself up against the refrigerator. Through the kitchen way, I saw the door open, and Neville came in. He ran straight for me the second he realized I was down.

"Jenelle." He crouched in front of me. "What happened to you?"

"Slow down, slow down. Headache." I put a hand against my head. "We're not alone, Neville. We're in a territory war."


"She means, Longbottom, that you're in my territory, and I'd appreciate it if you were out of it," came Malfoy's voice. He entered the kitchen, his wand pointed at Neville's back. "On your feet. You and her both."

Calmly, Neville aided me in standing on my feet. I gave a curt look to Malfoy, who looked between the both of us. Neville put himself a little more in front of me.

"Your territory?" was Neville's response.

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Yes, my territory. Meaning that I found this place first, and I'm not letting you take it." His eyes narrowed. "Why are you two here, anyway? How did you even manage to get in here?"

"If you were really serious about not wanting house guests, you should have invested in protective spells," I boasted. "Forgot that memo, did you? Which actually brings to mind, how did you get in here? We put spells around this place."

"Oh, I know. I'd been ready to walk back into here when I saw movement. I figured since I was within the perimeter I might as well wait until I could sneak myself back in. I wasn't about to let others steal this from me."

"Why are you here?" Neville threw the question out.

"Like I told her, it's none of your concern," said Malfoy.

"Put the wand down."

"So you can, what? Hand me in? I'm sure I'm wanted for something that I didn't want to be involved in."

"So you're running," I stated.

Malfoy glared at me. "I'm not running, I'm living."

I ignored him. "Mummy and Daddy won't protect you from whatever is after you?"

I hit a nerve, because Malfoy was starting to shake now. His wand wavered. "You have no idea what I'm going through."

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