34. The Dreaded Moment Comes

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Footsteps clacked down the way

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Footsteps clacked down the way. Dread filled the pit of my stomach. I wasn't sure if it was yet another turn for me or the first for Hermione.

When I saw the familiar face of Liam's mother, I knew she could only be here for me.

"Aren't you a lucky girl?" Ms. Cartwright drawled.

You've been waiting for this moment, haven't you? I remained quiet and followed her out, like I had done so many times before with past Death Eater escorts. Hermione didn't cry out for me as I left. I hoped she wasn't chosen, I wasn't sure if I could face her, Imperiused or not.

It had been a while, so the path I took felt a little unfamiliar. I refused to make conversation with the woman. I had nothing but sharp words for her anyhow, and I had the feeling if there were no witnesses she wouldn't hesitate to put me in my place. For now, the best move was to keep my head down.

Halfway to the arena doors, we were intercepted by Brian. Wordlessly, I was handed off while Ms. Cartwright left in another direction. He looked mildly cheerful to see me. I couldn't remember the last time I genuinely felt happy. It certainly wasn't in this bloody place.

"You look well."

"Piss off," I said. "We're not fed properly here. We aren't allowed to bathe unless we get a kill. Not to mention being cramped together in cells is hardly good for one's mental state. Tell me, how are any of us well here?"

"Sorry for trying to make conversation."

"Who wanted the match?" I asked. "Between you and Liam?"

"He insisted. Though he had been caught, he still cried about me lying about the whole thing. Lyla intervened, the old hag, and Liam decided he wanted a fight to the death. Just because I was in Azkaban didn't mean I forgot how to fight."

Lyla? I wanted to put the name to Liam's mother, but for all I knew, Brian meant a different witch. "Why drag me into the stands to watch?"

"His insistence also. He wanted to make a grand show of it."

"I hoped he didn't believe by winning I'd fall at his feet and grovel." I spat as we walked.

"You were more than just a capture mission to him. He didn't want to let you go." Brian's hand went into a fist. "It was the only way."

"I don't need you defending my honor, let alone trying to save me," I snapped mildly. "You chose to stay with them. You made your bed, you stay in it."

"Well, then I guess my plea for you to join is out of the question?" He tried to make this remark playful, but I was having none of it.

"Liam's mother has tried. Liam tried."

"Lyla can be rather convincing, even if her tongue is sharp and her words are ice. Most back down after talking with her. It seems she doesn't have that effect on you."

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