04. A Dying Breed

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            My hand hovered over my wand

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            My hand hovered over my wand. I didn't know what to do, or say. This was the person who saved my life. He (I knew it was a he because of the figure's stature) had prevented terrible things from happening.

Hold on, my conscience said, what if he did all this just so he could have you to himself?

Then why would he have done what he did? I countered my conscience. Apparently, it had no counter of its own.

I had become so accustomed to the eerie silence that his voice, though not harsh, made me jump.

"Are you alright?" the shadow asked.

"I think so," I said in a small voice.

"Need a hand?"

Slowly, with my other hand grasping my wand now, I accepted the offer. At first, when I went straight up, I tottered, but I set myself straight. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it. Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine. They didn't take anything either, if that was your next question."

"Wow, quick one." I heard no joke in his tone. Unlike Liam, this guy was serious.

"Yeah, I guess that's why I was put into Ravenclaw," I said shyly.

"Well, come on; let's get out into some light. I want to make sure you aren't lying."

A little nervous, I followed my rescuer. He seemed tall—well, most guys did. I wouldn't be able to make out many of his features until we were under the dim streetlights of Hogsmeade. Even though he had just saved me, I was still wary. There was a sliver of a chance that my conscience could be right.

Once some light was given, I could finally take in his features. He looked to be no more than a year older than me. He looked to be out of breath, which was odd, considering he didn't attack them physically without the use of magic. His hazel eyes showed concern for me at the moment; his dark hair looked a bit out of place in certain areas.

"Look," I said, rolling my sleeves up and everything. "I'm clean of injury."

"Just what do you think you were doing with that lot?" he barked at me, getting strict all of a sudden.

"I had nothing to do with them, they herded me!" I retorted right back. "They tried to flirt with me at the Three Broomsticks—I work there now, just started today—and then they waited for me, putting an Anti-Disapparition Jinx over Hogsmeade so I couldn't escape. Then they cut me off both ways in that alleyway. I tried to defend myself—"
"You didn't do a good job."

"What I'd like to know is who you are, and how in the hell did you find me?"

"Well," he said slowly, "I wasn't looking for you. I was strolling around until I saw one bloke belonging to that group and two more behind him walk off somewhere suspicious."

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