32. The Golden-Haired (Delusional) Woman

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(Jenelle's POV)

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(Jenelle's POV)

I began to wonder if this new cell was for solitary confinement purposes only. I never got roommates. While I appreciated the space, it did not mean I got special privileges. The scraps of food was the same, as well as the amount of water. I didn't want to get started on the bathroom buckets.

The only perk that came with this upgrade was that I didn't have just all brick wall. There was a small enough hole of a barred window that allowed me to see sunlight, darkness, rain, or snow, depending on the day.

I tried to keep positive. Though I was alone, I had someone looking for me. Neville had to have been found by Ron and the Aurors by now surely.

Maybe he didn't make it. Maybe he didn't...he didn't...

I swallowed. If Neville truly was lost...the only help that I had, perhaps the only chance of being rescued, was gone. I'd be on my own. I alone would be the only person who could get myself free. The thought was terrifying.

I picked at my dark green jumpsuit. I wanted regular clothes. I wanted to breathe fresh air, be out of here. I didn't want to hear the whimpers of the frightened, the cries. I just wanted out.

I knew there was a way out...or two. Neither were options that I wanted to look into. I wasn't ready to give up at this point to want to consider suicidal options.

I tried to focus on the light in my life, the bright spots when travelling with Neville. How those times felt so far away when really they happened a short time ago. Despite being on the run, despite him protecting me from bad people, our time spent together was fruitful. We'd bonded in some ways, butted heads in others.

I thought about the times we almost kissed, how I should've done so just before I was taken into Death Eater custody. If Neville was truly gone, he'd never know how I felt. We'd never get to explore that avenue.

I wondered how close we'd been to pursuing that path.

This cell was a lonely one. I had no neighbors, and even if I did, I doubted they'd be willing to talk to me. Gossip was a hot thing around here, and surely some faces knew I had a higher kill count than most in this prison. It was something I was not proud of. All that blood on my hands, innocent or not...

While I didn't know their names, and never would, their faces held occupancy in my mind. They were there, always ready to remind me of the terrible things I had to do in order to survive. I had to step on people—kill them—to keep myself in this. I had two allies in this with me—I hardly counted Brian as a third despite him intervening in my situation with Liam.

He was another face that took residency in my brain—Liam. While I was grateful he wouldn't be stalking anymore, I still had a tie from my past lurking around. Brian was nowhere near as predatory as Liam had been, but knowing his presence was here with me in some capacity gave me little comfort.

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