22. The Next Destination

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            On the third night of my stay at Malfoy Manor, something felt like it was about to change.

Bree and Ember still had not been called for, so the three of us spent more time together in the same enclosed space. Bree did not speak much, though Ember and I did try to make conversation. There were things Ember was leaving out, just by how she talked. In turn, I left some pieces out of my life. We weren't on that level, and with how things could go, we never would be.

Through the grime of the window, we could see heavy flakes fall from the dark skies. It kept Bree's attention for a while, that was where she was. I would steal glances from my corner of the room. Ember ran her fingers through her hair, which was slowly becoming more of a grease ball. My scalp began to itch, and a change of clothes sounded like a miracle.

The click of the knob caught Ember's attention and mine. Bree remained fixated on the snow outside the window.

Brian was accompanied by Adam. Liam lingered in the doorway, as though he believed we would attempt anything. Three witches with no wands against three Death Eaters hardly seemed like even odds.

"It's time, ladies," said Liam from the door. Adam and Brian advanced. "Play nice, and you get to leave. Fight, and this will be the last place you ever see."

Ember rose to her feet, fists clenched at her sides. I watched Brian warily as he approached me first. Bree continued to look out at the snow.

"Where are we going?" I asked through a hoarse throat.

"Someplace that will change your life," Liam drawled. "Don't you want that?"

"What we want is out of here and out of your grubby hands," Ember snarled.

"Sorry, can't allow that. We can't have anyone trying to expose our little operation. Kind of defeats the purpose of keeping in the shadows. Now, come, it's time to go."

Ember was left alone, Adam went for Bree. When Bree finally took notice of Adam, she scurried back into her designated corner. She cowered to the floor, arms shielding her face. Before I could even think to get to her to coax her, Brian grabbed my arm.

"Don't give them a reason to kill you here," he said in my ear. "Do as you're told."

"Like you did for them?" I retorted back lowly.

"Don't make this about the past, Jenelle."

As I was halfway towards the door, Bree started screaming as Adam tried to pull her to her feet. Ember started for the two, but Adam held his wand out in her direction. In the same instant, Brian stopped, putting his wand to my throat.

"If you want them to stay alive, stop screaming and cooperate," Adam said loudly, impatiently, to Bree. The girl sniffled, a trembling mess.

It took a few minutes, but Bree complied with Adam. He hoisted her to her feet. He gestured his wand in Ember's direction. Reluctantly, without anyone's assistance, she went towards the open way. Brian lowered his wand from my throat but still led me by my arm out of the room. Bree continued her quiet sniffling.

"Next destination?" Ember asked Liam. She stood before him. What a brave soul.

"Someplace secret. Are you ladies ready?"

Bree let out a high sob. Ember remained still. I made a minute effort to move away from Brian.

"Good, no complaints. I'll need to take hold of you so we can move you." Liam grabbed Ember's arm.

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