02. Fresh Air and a...Job Offer?

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The rest of the day went on like normal, with the exception of me getting a hold of a Potions book and listing what ones I possibly wanted to make. The idea felt more solid by writing them down. I was giving myself the proper push.

After dinner, I went through my closet to pull out something decent to wear. I wasn't going to walk around in jogging bottoms and look homeless. Looking nice would help my mentality. Any little bit that could dig me out of this hole, I would take. I made sure to strap on a watch too, just in case.

I grabbed my wand from my room, and I headed down the stairs towards the door.

"Where're you going?" asked Dad.

I stopped just at the door and turned. "Out."

Mum came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands with a towel. "When did this happen?"

"Just now."

"And you're going, where?"

"Just to Slug and Jiggers Apothecary," I said simply. "I want to see if I can improve my potion making skills. I'm going there to buy ingredients."

"I doubt you can perfect them," Mum said quietly. "You're a gifted potion maker as it is."

I blushed slightly. Mum really appreciated what we wizards and witches could do with magic in our blood. "You know, I could always teach you. It doesn't require a spell, some of them. Or all of them. I don't know, I've been away from a Potions book a little too long."

"Do we still have a cauldron for you to use?"

"Mine's still in good condition," said Dad. "Jenelle lost hers at Hogwarts, remember?"

I cringed. I remembered.

"You have your wand on you?" asked Mum.

I showed her as proof. "I know better."


I noticed Dad's concerned look. "All right, what's with you?"

"I'm a little worried."

I groaned. "You and Mum want me out of the house. Are you going back on your word?"

"No, it's just...I've been reading rumors of suspicious activity around Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade lately. They've been in the Prophet."

"Well, you know what they say about rumors," Mum piped. "That's all they are unless there's proof."

"Mum's right," I sided with her. "Besides, if I happen to run into trouble, I'll get myself out. I'm a decent spell caster."

"We know." Mum smiled. "Just be careful."

"We don't want to get an owl saying you were attacked and in St. Mungo's for any reason," Dad said seriously.

"Kevin, can you not try and scare her?"

"I'm not trying to, Claire. I'm just telling her the truth."

"Well, now, thanks to your father's news report," Mum eyed him scaldingly, "we'll put you on curfew, for your safety."

"Sounds fine to me," I told her. I wasn't planning on being out real late anyway. "Ten?"


Stepping out into the October night air brought a cold shock to my system. Once I got through it, I inhaled. In the dark, I saw the fallen leaves. A few houses were starting to be decorated for the holidays. Trees were becoming naked from the lack of leaves.

The Lion and the Eagle |Neville Longbottom|Where stories live. Discover now