13. Fetching Food

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       It turned out near the two week mark that the protective enchantments didn't seem very necessary

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       It turned out near the two week mark that the protective enchantments didn't seem very necessary. No Death Eaters came close to our destination. But we didn't cancel them out. Better to be safe than sorry.

I still worried for my parents. They were safe, at an undisclosed location. I wasn't sure if Aurors happened to find them or if they were eluding them as well. My fear was that Death Eaters posing as Aurors would continue their search in a way to coax me out of hiding. The actual Aurors themselves had enough of a task by rounding up the remaining Death Eaters and putting them where they belonged.

Aside from the flirty Death Eater named Liam, I wasn't sure why the small group would want to go after me. I was by no means a "Chosen One". To my knowledge, there was no big adversary that needed to be defeated.

Being cooped up in a tent was by no means a way to live. Though, in hindsight, this wasn't much different than how I had been. I had barely left my house, even for fresh air.

November was coming soon, and even colder temperatures were on the way. If the temperatures were just right, it'd be the perfect time for snow.

Since there was no need to go hunting, yet, Neville and I stayed inside the heated tent. There were some nights that were bitter. We kept the radio going at all times. Most of the time, reception was perfect. We'd lose it on occasion but only briefly.

Homesickness became more of an issue some days. I knew this was for my protection, but I missed the familiar comforts. But until everything was cleared up, I couldn't return. No news was good news, but bad as well. If Death Eaters were apprehended, we would've heard it through the radio. As of now, no such news was heard.

The longer I was with Neville, the more I looked back on my behavior when this chaos first started. I had been on the border of irrational, wanting to defy all logic and safety to barrel back home. I still wasn't fond of having a protector, as I had handled myself just fine at the Battle in May of last year.

Thinking back on it, Neville wouldn't be doing this if he believed the threat on my life was minimal.

Speaking of my Auror protection, we never got at each other's throats, which was good. Neville seemed to be opening up more and more each day. He'd alluded to a dark time in his past, to which I was denied the story when I pried for more information. I completely understood, there were some things you couldn't talk about just yet.

Today, I woke up groggily. Even though we had been at peace, my mind wasn't due to my nightmares. The first one I had was the most obvious one: Death Eaters somehow managed to find Neville and I. A fight occurred, leaving Neville dead and me taken away. There was another about my parents, how they were both brutally murdered.

The worst one, though, was of him. I had to play the pronoun game, because if I even thought his name...the pain would reopen the old wound. The voice I had come to trust spoke harshly to me as I pleaded to him. I relived part of my past in that nightmare. It was so horrible that I screamed in my sleep; Neville had told me I had. I lied to him about what I saw. I couldn't tell him that nightmare, not yet.

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