19. Out of Time

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I didn't scream; I had no energy to. I fell with my eyes closed, waiting for that harsh impact that could hurt or paralyze me, possibly even kill me.

Something grabbed me from below, attaching to me, like some leech. I had a rough idea as to what it was—or rather, who it was.

I heard the crash as we both plunged into the water, Neville first followed closely by me. Water consumed me, making the noises above muffled. It filled my nostrils. Now I peeked open my eyes to see almost complete darkness. I panicked, feebly thrashing about.

Neville had me by the waist as he hoisted me up. We both breached the surface, inhaling cold air. I coughed violently while my eyes adjusted to the darkness. My arms smacked the water frantically, searching for Neville.

"Easy, easy," I heard Neville stutter. His arms scooped under me. "Hang onto me, Jenelle."

I was too tired to argue. I wanted out of this cold water. I wanted to be on solid ground. With some effort, I slung my arms around his neck, holding on as strongly as I could while Neville waddled through the lake. The pace we were going seemed slow. I heard him try and take deep breaths. His heart beat quicker than normal since my head was pressed against his heaving chest.

Water sloshed as I assumed Neville finally made his way out. I shivered when coming in contact with the air. Neville's footfall was mostly silenced by grass. He dropped to his knees; there was a sudden falling feeling in my stomach. He soon planted me on the ground, holding himself up by his hands and knees, head hanging, water dripping from his hair.

"N-Neville," I whimpered. "W-we need to g-g-get out of here." Neville looked like he had barely enough energy to lift his head. His entire body shivered. "Neville?"

With a grunt, he collapsed and rolled over. Fear surged through me. Despite how tired I felt and how soaked I was, I rolled over to him, covering myself with grass. I sat up, clutching my head.

"Neville!" I panicked, looking down on him. "What is it? What's wrong?" My voice got high. I was still cold and shivering, but I didn't care about my health at the moment. Neville was most likely injured; he took the impact of crashing into the water first.

That had to be it; the impact hurt him. I feared that Neville was going to be paralyzed, that I would have to carry him. I searched to find any dark spots on his clothing. Fortunately, there were none.

Neville panted heavily, his eyes slowly started to flutter shut.

"Neville, please," I whimpered. I hovered over him, taking his face in my hands. "Look at me, please."

Thankfully he heard that plea. My lower lip quivered as I saw how weak he looked.

"You—you have to get out of here," he whispered. "Leave me."

"I can't leave you, not with those whack jobs still running around! They'll get you—they'll use you to get to me."


Up until this time, I hadn't thought of having such a feeling for him. It explained why I felt so easy around him, how I could confess things to him—and that dance, leaning against him felt natural—and that following day, where we almost kissed...

I swore I wouldn't love anyone ever again, not after Brian. Not after the abuse I had been dealt. I didn't want to be hurt again. But the evidence was right here, staring me in the face.

"I have to get you out of here," I persisted.

"How can you?" Neville croaked. "You can't carry me. Besides, I bet...they're on their way."

The Lion and the Eagle |Neville Longbottom|Where stories live. Discover now