25. A Winner's "Reward"

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Aside from living another day, I was to get a reward of a nice shower and a feast later in the night

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Aside from living another day, I was to get a reward of a nice shower and a feast later in the night. The Death Eaters way of praising my murder of an Imperuised girl.

The fact that they would even do that to someone...

When I returned to my cell, Ember and Bree came to me. The other nameless girls who we shared this cell with went about whispering to one another or keeping silent.

"We didn't know what to think when you didn't come back right away," said Bree. "Where did they take you?"

"Did they torture you?" asked Ember. "You've got a little blood on your mouth."

I knew it was dried by now. "It's a form of torture," I admitted. "They...they made a blood sport. It's why they're kidnapping so many of us, to replace the dead."

Ember's brows came together. "I don't understand."

"This place...it's their slaughterhouse. They don't get their hands dirty here. That's why they use us. They put two in an arena to battle...to the death." I swallowed. "They allow us our wands but that's it."

"You..." Bree's mouth dropped in horror.

"I-I didn't mean to. I didn't want to. I only got her with the Knockback Jinx, but the impact...the impact was too much on her."

Bree let out a strangled cry. Ember pulled Bree close, I was surprised the girl allowed the contact.

"These numbers," I rolled up my right sleeve, "are how they choose who gets to fight. Random selection, a lottery. I was chosen, so was my opponent. I don't know how many matches they do."

"It's more than one, with the amount of people they take out of here," said Ember. She shook her head. "This is insanity. And none of us, with as many as there are, are in a position to stand up and fight. We easily outnumber them."

"But if the majority of us aren't skilled in wandless magic..." said Bree. "It's the perfect situation for the Death Eaters. They have all the power."

"I hope your Auror friend is alive and well, Jenelle," said Ember. "He and the Aurors may be our only chance of getting out of here."

* * *

Though I was given the liberty of a lone shower, I still had a Death Eater escort. It seemed that Brian and Liam liked to alternate, because I was in Brian's care currently. He lingered outside of the showers while I took my careful time. I wasn't going to get a new outfit, just a different jumpsuit. One that was clean and didn't reek.

After feeling refreshed, Brian led me to the cafeteria. Death Eater guards were placed at the doors. The feast was massive. I realized the men wore black jumpsuits, the women dark green. Some Death Eaters were picking at the food.

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