12. First-time Camper

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 I couldn't see where I landed

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 I couldn't see where I landed.

I tumbled onto some leaves and a small branch. I hissed as I collided with the branch. I finally stopped rolling. Everything was still too dark to make out anything.

Wait, duh, my wand. Stupid me, thinking like a Muggle.

I searched blindly in the dark for my wand, my hands as my only available guide. I realized that I was the only thing moving. I didn't hear Neville. He couldn't be far off, we had Disapparated together.

"Neville?" I called. "Where are you?"

"Hold on," he finally answered. "Try to follow my voice."

"Can I find my wand first?"

"Don't need to, I think I've found mine. Lumos."

I turned my head away from the blinding blue light that grew bigger, shutting my eyes until I felt Neville lift me up. Slowly inching open my eyes, I dusted myself off.

"I've had better landings," I grumbled as I scraped off wet leaves on my jeans. "Okay, let's find my wand."

"Why do it the old fashion way? Accio Jenelle's Wand," Neville said.

I heard something whoosh in the air, and a small burst of pain smacked my face. My wand made an inaudible thump in the grass somewhere near me. "Ouch!" I howled.

"Sorry, sorry!" Neville panicked.

"I think my nose is bleeding!" I felt icky stuff all over my hands. Who knew a wand could do damage without a spell being cast out of it?

This whole going-into-hiding thing was going swell.

"Okay, okay, calm down," Neville said. "Pinch your nose."


"It'll stop the bleeding. Trust me," he said gently. "If it doesn't work, we'll get tissues. I bet Hermione packed some."

Neville bent down to pick up my wand that betrayed me. I flinched as I tried to pinch my nose. My eyes finally started to adjust to the bright light. Around us, trees were starting to become naked due to the season change.

"Hold my wand, will you?" Neville said. With my free hand, I took it.

Neville found the bag Hermione lent us and shoved his entire arm down it. I honestly thought he would dive into it if he didn't find what he was looking for. Eventually, his whole arm reappeared, the tarp, stakes, and rope along with it.

"I'm going need it back now," he said, hand extended. I gave him back his wand.

Neville set the supplies on the ground. With the wand light still glowing, he pointed his wand down on the ground, muttered, "Erecto," and, in a flash, the tent sprouted right up. It looked perfect, like expert campers had set it up.

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