29. A Special Match

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Something was different

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Something was different.

Since my stay at Malfoy Manor, I hadn't seen Adam. Until now. Until he approached our cell. I heard Bree inhale shakily.

Adam did not come for Bree, he came for me.

Once I was led down the familiar path, I noticed our course changed. We didn't head for the Wand Room, as I deemed it, for me to check out my weapon for the arena.

"What's going on?"

"Apparently, you're a Guest of Honor. We're holding a very special duel. The first of its kind, actually," Adam said matter-of-factly.

"All the current victors are attending?" I asked incredulously.

"Dunno. I was only given orders to nab you and bring you along."

Instead of going to the usual double doors, we went up a level. Adam led me through a door that opened to the stands that overlooked the arena. I looked around nervously. Death Eaters cloaked in black gave me odd looks, some outraged, others...intrigued.

Once Adam found space for us, he sat down, pulling me beside him. Here, it was a different view. Scorch marks gave blemishes to the arena. I swallowed at seeing the dried blood, black now rather than deep red.

"Why am I here?" I asked Adam. I had to lean in close, as chatter around us grew.

"The match will start soon. Then you'll see."

As I looked around, there were no Death Eater masks to be seen. I saw Luke and Blake, Liam's additional back up, nearby. They had enough bodies between us that I didn't think they would worm through way through to join us.

This was truly baffling. I wouldn't be a spectator unless there was a good reason. Was it because I had won so many matches? This was hardly a treat. And there was no way that I was the only one who had...won so many matches. Yet I couldn't find any fearful faces amongst the sea of black cloaks. I was the lone victor in the stands.

All of my senses told me that this wasn't right. But where could I go? I wouldn't make it a few steps before I was brought back to my seat.

Grudgingly, I stayed beside Adam and kept eyes on my surroundings.

The crowd picked up in cheers as two opponents made their way from their respective sides in the arena.

Something new came with this duel: an announcer.

"Tonight is a special match," came a commanding, female voice. I searched for the source, unable to locate her. "The traditional fight to the death, with a little twist. Two of our own have decided to take part in a duel to settle their dispute once and for all."

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