Part 8: The Chase

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MANHATTAN DINER - Friday, December 23rd 20XX. 10:45 am

There I was again, in the same spot as when we met the first time.

Once again I had ordered myself a shitty cup of coffee and waited for her to arrive. Blair walked in wearing this tight crop top, ripped black jeans, and a grey leather jacket. She sat in the seat facing me in the booth.

When she sat down she immediately noticed my bandages, she tried to reach for my hands but I pulled away. "I'm not doing this shit again. You're not fucking with me like you have been all this time." I replied seriously and she sighed, "Fine by me, Brooks." She smiled softly. I looked at her confused, what was her angle?

"Now, get to the point, Miller!" I said annoyed and she winced. "Don't call me that, it's Kennedy!" She replied looking at me, "You're not the only one running away from who you truly are..." She added. "At least I'm not a sociopath who uses people.." I exclaimed, she stood up with her hands slamming the table. I flinched, "For fuck sakes Griffin," she looked at me furiously.

"I just want you to tell me why you wanted to talk. So, I can leave since I have work to do. " I replied angrily and she sat back down in her seat. She saw the look in my eye and composed herself, "Look, don't mind what my dad said last night. We both like the thrill and chase. I say we make a game out of it." She smiled mischievously and I rolled my eyes. "No. Blair, I'm done with this bullshit. As a matter of fact..." Right, when I was about to finish my sentence multiple police cruisers rolled up. I smirked and Blair sat there about to laugh.

"I love the way you think." She smiled and started to run out of the diner, I chased after her. She may have thought of this as a game, and maybe she knew. Yet to me, this was the day I would finally catch her and lock her up forever. It was bittersweet because deep down I didn't want to, but it's my job and duty to protect the people of New York.

DINER ALLEYWAY - Friday, December 23rd 20XX. 12:05 pm

I called in my squad as backup, and we rushed down the back alley of the diner in hot pursuit of her. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of getting away. I continued to chase her through the alley and onto the streets. My team was still running behind me, yet I was the only one who could keep up with her.

I chased her through the streets, pushing everyone and everything out of my way. I didn't care if I got hurt. This was the end of the fucking line for her. Anger and adrenaline coursed through my veins at the sheer fact that I was gonna win for the first time since I started this case. And, to think that it had only been more than a month ago that I had gotten back to work and put onto this case. That so much had changed in such a short period, that I had been so pathetic to fall so easily when normally it would've taken me months. With Lilian it took me a year to fully be serious with her, I didn't even say "I love you" until we were almost three years into the relationship. Does that just show that I never even loved her at all?

NY APARTMENT COMPLEX - Friday, December 23rd 20XX. 1:30 pm

Suddenly, I saw Blair run into another alleyway in between the apartment buildings and started climbing the fire escapes to the roof. I quickly followed her swift movements until we were both facing each other on the roof of the building.

"Well done, Brooks. I'm surprised you caught up to me with such ease..." She smirked while I had to catch my breath. I looked her in the eyes determined, "I told you! We both love the chase of each other." She added as she began to walk up to me with poise. She got close enough to where she could wrap her arms around my neck except I pulled her arms away.

Ultimately, she looked dejected as I rejected her advances even though it was hard for me to do so. At that moment I was still as angry as I was before. "Don't. I'm doing my job, and that's to put you away for a long time." I replied with a cold stare, Blair continued to stand close to me with our lips inches apart. With everything in me I chose not to act on my desire to kiss her again, she started to back away slowly. That's when I realized that she was going to try and jump to the next building.

This was my only chance, I quickly tackled her to the ground causing me to be on top of her. I pinned her wrists and pulled out the handcuffs. "I didn't know you were into this kind of foreplay, Brooks." She smirked at me and I couldn't help but chuckle at her comment. "Maybe we can save this for somewhere more private." She added and I bent down to whisper in her ear. "Trust me, Blair I'm willing to do a lot more to you than just handcuff you," I replied full of desire and for the first time, I saw her cheeks go red.

I grabbed and pulled her off the ground, pulling her arms behind her back to handcuff them. Her body pressed up against mine. I called in my team and sent them my location, "Come on Blair," I said as I pulled her to follow me. "You know you shouldn't be beating yourself for finally seeing who you are." She stated and looked down at my hands that were placed on her.

"That's enough," I replied annoyed and she turned her head to face me. "You're really fighting yourself aren't you?" She asked, and I looked at her sternly. "You have no idea what it's like trying to do the right thing all the time but then you came into the picture." I forcefully grab her arm and she looked me in my soulful eyes. "What's that suppose to mean?" She asked confused, "You know exactly what I mean." I replied as we take the elevator to the ground level.

"You make me defy all my reasonings, beliefs, and the law that I took an oath to follow," I replied rushing her out of the building. "I'm fighting myself because I can't control how I feel around you..." I added and she hung her head low. 

NY APARTMENT COMPLEX - Friday, December 23rd 20XX. 2:18 pm

"That is not my fault!" She replied and I turned her body to face me before being taken into the police cruiser. "I didn't ask for you to fall for me!" She exclaimed, "I know you didn't, and I don't expect you to feel the same way. Because you're just a killer on a mission." I said as I pushed her head down to get into the car before slamming the door. Blair looked at me, her expression was sorrowful and her eyes began to tear up.

What a joke, she was probably mocking me and my feelings. It didn't matter anymore, what was done was done. I suddenly felt a wave of emotions, I was ecstatic that I had finally caught her especially so quickly. I felt accomplished and free, yet there was this lingering sense of heartbreak that I couldn't shake. 

"Nice work man!" I saw Jeffery run up to me to pat me on the shoulder and I nodded. "I heard they're bringing her back to the station for questioning, there's going to be all sorts of hearings and trials. Not to mention, the publicity." He exclaimed and I met his eyes with a slight smile.

"Well, I know we're both ready for what's to come." I hung my arm over his shoulder and we walked to Jeffery's car, he drove us back to the station.

You're probably thinking, "Griffin, I thought you weren't going to let your emotions get the best of you?" Well, I had told her my feelings toward her to finally let my frustrations out and be able to focus. Not to mention, whether it worked or not she seemed a little on edge from when I told her. So, regardless of my feelings towards Blair being true, I used them to my advantage. 

It was all part of my plan. I knew she wanted me to meet at the diner as a way of trying to get into my head. I thought of meeting her and surrounding her with my co-workers, and I knew she was gonna run, that's why I had my team know my location at all times. To add, what she didn't expect was that I could keep up with her, all things considered. She thought I wouldn't dare to go after her because of everything she put me through. Which was why I decided to tell her my true feelings to fully catch her off guard. 

NYPD 19TH PRECINCT - Friday, December 23rd 20XX. 2:37 pm

Jeffery and I both walked into the station, and Blair and I made eye contact. She couldn't even meet my eyes. Two police officers escorted her to the integration room, for Jeffery and me to question her. It was time for the moment of truth, time to find out her real reasons for killing all these people and who she truly is. I'm ready for you Blair. 

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