Short Story - 1/3

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METROPOLITAN CORRECTIONAL CENTER - Friday, August 12th 20XX. 2:00 pm

I couldn't breathe, the fact that she was gone. The fact that my son was gone, my dog, and my life from before. It was just me in this cell for the next 5 years. 

But I was willing to do anything to better myself and live the life I've always deserved, to finally, be with my family. I sat on my bed with my notepad in hand, over my time here I've taken a liking to writing and drawing. I would draw what my life could've been like, or how my family would look. Now, it was purely drawings of the son I would have. Writing letter after letter, even poems. I wanted to keep them all so that one day I could show them to him. 

I thought about how my life has changed, every waking moment I've been here. Somehow, I like the way everything happened. Despite the agony and pain, I've felt for my best friend. That guilt will forever be a part of me. 

I didn't deserve him, his kind soul, his fathering heart, his smile that could take away anyone's troubles. I could've done so much more, been there more, not pushed him from me when I was struggling with my shit. I feel like an idiot. 

METROPOLITAN CORRECTIONAL CENTER - Friday, August 12th 20XX. 2:23 pm

Suddenly, the gates opened and I noticed guards walking closer. I noticed there was a new inmate but I couldn't get a sight of his face. They stopped in front of my cell and threw the man in. Once they closed the cell, I turned toward him and gave him my hand to help him up. 

Only to realize-

"Priest David?" I looked at him in disbelief, as he was the priest I would often see at my church when I was a young boy. He was the only one in my life that I looked toward. "Oh well if it isn't Eli? How are you son?" He asked with a smile but I backed away, Why was he here?

"How are you here?" I asked unsurely, and he scratched the back of his head. "Truth is... I did awful things with... children..." He said hesitantly and my blood went cold, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I gulped as there was this overwhelming feeling of anger, I couldn't let it consume me again. "How long?" I asked, "How long for?-" I cut him off...

"How long were you doing those things?" I exclaimed, "18 years..." He replied unable to meet my eyes, I stared at him realizing that I was a young boy then and that he was doing awful things to many kids right under my nose. "I-" I could barely speak, and the worst part was that I was stuck with him for the next 5 years of my life.

METROPOLITAN CORRECTIONAL CENTER - Friday, August 12th 20XX. 2:45 pm

"I trusted you, I believed that you were the only person in the world that could save me from my shitty, fucked up life." I yelled and he continued to avert my eyes, "You made me believe in God-" but he laughed in my face. "Look how that turned out..." He replied with a smirk but I instantly grabbed his collar.

"You listen here you piece of shit, you are nothing more than the scum of the earth. I know what I did, and I'm controlling it. I can't say the same for you. So, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and play nice for your sake." I exclaimed with a harsh tone. I released his collar and he fell to the ground.

"You fucking disgust me," I exclaimed and then sat back on my bed, he got up and stared out our cell. From then on we barely spoke to each other, I continued to write and draw until my last.

I guess even the people we believed to have been the closest to God, are still capable of those wicked and sinful acts. The world will forever be awful, but it's our thoughts, that become actions and impulses. Safe to say, I trust no one anymore but myself and God.

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