Ch: Prologue

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Isaac's pov
Year: 2514

As I went up to the door it exploded sucking me out I grabbed onto a wall.

"Ah, shit!"

My mask was broken, and blood was flowing down my face I then saw the machine heading towards what Serrano said in the recordings, the Brethren' moon. as I let go of the wall I activate my jet boots and start heading toward the machine. Lots of debris was flying toward me I dodged them as I try to reach the machine I fail and landed on a platform with a T-K charging plate, as I got up slowly I then saw the moon right in front of me holding the machine with its tentacle. Seeing this just wants me vomit but I couldn't I had to take this thing down or all of earth will die, my mask flipped down showing my open wound on my head

"You can't have us..." I pulled out my plasma cutter

Carver: We gotta kill that thing? There's not enough ammunition in the world!" Carver said as he was still on the machine holding on for dear life.

"Then we'll have to make some up! Look, there's Markers floating all around me! I can use this T-K charging plate and throw them as weapons!"

as soon as I say that I see a Marker floating in the air. I step onto the plate and immediately feel pain everywhere in my body ignoring the pain, I use my telekinesis to grip the Marker and fire it into the Moon's eye it screamed in pain closing its eyes

"Issac watch out! It's throwing giant chunks of rock at you!"

"I see it! I see it!"

the rocks landed on the platform I was standing on then the rocks exploded revealing necromorphs I ripped their shoulder blades with my T-K and shot them with my plasma cutter after I killed them. The moon opened its mouth with yellow tentacles wrapping around the platform, it's trying to eat me!

"ISAAC! It's pulling you in! Shoot the tentacles off before it eats you!"

"Son of a bitch!"  as I kept firing my weapons it finally released me I saw it open its eye I grabbed a Marker floating in the air and fired at the eye of the moon it exploded. The moon was screaming in agony. It closed its eyes again

Carver: "Issac watch out for rocks they're coming right at you!

"I see it!"  as I said that the rocks then landed and exploded revealing more necromorphs. I froze them with my supercharged stasis I then pulled out my line gun and fired its alternative, after a couple of seconds later all four of the necromorphs were blown to pieces. After I killed I looked up to see that I'm right in front of the brethren moon's mouth. Tentacles then wrapped around the area I was standing

Carver: "Issac shoot the tentacles before it eats you!"

"I got it!" as I fired my line gun multiple times on both of the tentacles, it lets go of me once again, I then see it opens its eye again. And fire another Marker in its eye the moon screamed in pain once again seeing how it was almost defeated it began to swallow the machine I can hear Carver in pain.

"Carver! Carver! Just hold on I'm going to have to pull you out of it's guts!"

As I used my T-K to rip the guts off the moon, it was screaming then I ripped the machine out of its guts and brought it towards me,

The moon was finally dead its guts were still hanging. I noticed the area I was standing was crumbling I grabbed my line gun and stored it away and limped to the machine and grabbed on just in time but my hand slipped and was now hanging with one arm Carver shook the pain off and grabbed me and pulled me up

Carver: "Come on!.."  Carver placed my forearm on his shoulder and we both limped to the machine

Carver: "So this it, huh? We use that Codex?"


Carver: No more bullshit? we die here. Now?" we looked at each other

"But Earth gets a tomorrow." I grab the Codex and switch it on then the Codex is exploded up in the air which pushes us back into the air separating us. Finally, I was at peace I dug into my pocket and pulled a picture of Ellie holding it to my chest wishing I could have saved her, I then closed my eyes and waited for my death

But then a rift opened and swallowed Issac Clarke whole.

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