Ch 8: Piecing Puzzles

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Isaac's POV

A couple of days passed, and while in those days I had repaired my mask from the parts I had from Peridot when I thanked her for it I was also taught about everything about the gem life and where they live also what they could do with their form like, shapeshifting, returning into their gems when badly damaged and that they don't need to eat or sleep and can age forever, I had asked Pearl what the diamonds had looked like just in case I ever run into them, she was hesitant at first but gladly accepted she showed me what they looked like and good god in heaven. I couldn't even express what Yellow diamond and White diamond had on their heads seriously, what the fuck is wrong with them and why are they wearing those things? The only two Diamonds that kinda look normal are Blue diamond and Pink diamond speaking of Pink diamond when I saw her, something felt off, I just don't know I felt like I'd seen her before but I can't put my finger on it, Why do I feel like I've seen her before? It doesn't matter she's shattered. Just like Pearl said, My thoughts are interrupted when I hear clapping.

Garnet: "Issac your up next."

"Huh? Oh right."  we were in a place where Pearl said a Sky arena to train I'm kinda surprised that this whole place is floating, I walk down the steps and walk past Amethyst

Amethyst: "Good luck dude!"

"Thanks, Amethyst." I walk to the middle.

Pearl: "Are you ready Issac?" My mask flips up

"Ready as I'll ever be."

as I say that four holopearls spawn in and start to surround me and having their weapons drawn out they think they got me trapped. I'm about to change the tables, I pull out my contact beam and slam the barrel into the floor, and fire. Due to this, the holopearls are stunned and now in stasis, nows my chance! Placing my contact beam away I pull out my ripper, and flamethrower, duel wielding them, I jump up in the air activating my jet boots I then do a 360 firing a barrage of flames and saws after a good couple of seconds I drop to the ground and look around to see that the holopearls are gone, confirming my expectations, I spin my weapons then place them away. My mask flips down

"Not bad for an engineer, huh?"

Steven: "That. Was. Awesome!!!" everyone started clapping loudly they all had smiles on their faces.

Jasper: "How did you come up with such an extraordinary plan like that quick?!"

"Well, I've been doing this for quite some time. And this isn't my first time being surrounded by hostiles."

Amethyst: "Man you're so cool!" we begin walking back to the warp pad

"Really? Thanks, I guess."

I'm kinda surprised that the others do love to fight. We then land back at Stevens's home, I stretch feeling a little tired

"I'm going to take a power nap see you guys later."

Garnet: "Sleep well, Issac."

"Thanks." I open the small door underneath the stairs and pull out the blanket and pillows and set them up I get comfortable and close my eyes and relax.

I soon awake in a black void with a reddish atmosphere looking around, I swear if something pops out and tries to kill me with a needle I'm going to lose my shit! I start walking around to see if anyone or anything is nearby I then hear a female giggling her giggles echoes as I'm looking everywhere where the noise is coming from

"Who's there?!"


I start to tense up, even more, I begin hearing whispers I'm frequently looking everywhere to see who's making these sounds

"Behind you Isssssac."

I turn around to see Pink diamond in a white dress What the fuck? Is she trying to scare me or seduce me? I stepped back, of course, she had a creepy smile she stepped forward I step back

"N-not any closer!" then red symbols glowed behind her. Symbols that I know

"No, no no, Goddamn it!"  And exactly as I thought a Marker glowed red and reached convergence

"MAKE. US. WHOLE." she charged at me tackling me down with her eyes and mouth glowing white making that static sound. In my face

I wake up screaming and jumping out off the couch pulling out my Plasma cutter and seeing that I'm back In the real world. 

Pearl: "Issac are you ok? What happened?!" Pearl was looking at me with a worried expression

"I-I'm fine just had a nightmare." wiping the cold sweat off my head and placing my plasma cutter away I was getting up slowly making sure I don't fall Pearl got ready just in case I did

"Alright, I'm alright..." I sat down thinking just what the hell I saw, why was Pink diamond in my dreams? Was I obsessed that much? Just like the Markers? So many questions ran through me like a wave

"W-Where are the o-others?..."

Pearl: "They went back to their rooms the reason I'm still here is that I was just making sure Steven was safe when he went outside. But what happened Issac?

"N-nothing just stupid nightmares..." after I sighed something caught my eye I then see a portrait of a woman in the same dress! Th-that's impossible it looks the same!

"Who is she?" I pointed.

Pearl: "Her? Her name was Rose she was the leader of the crystal gems before Garnet, she gave up her psychical form to make Steven..."

she said in a saddened tone, wait form? Wait a second. Pink diamond, that dress she was wearing just like Rose, Shapeshifting, is she? No, no way no fucking way. There's no way in hell that Pink diamond is Rose godamn Quartz I need to ask Pearl if this is true since she knows about the Diamonds about them.

"Uh, Pearl can I talk to you in private?"

Pearl: "Okay." I get up and we walk to the gate it opens and we step inside and the door closes. Woah this place is sure beautiful

Pearl: "So what do you want to talk about?"

"Pearl I gotta ask you an important question, and with all honesty please tell me the truth."

Pearl: "I won't, now tell me why are you so nervous?"
Alright, here we go

"The reason why I'm so nervous is that I saw a dream of Pink diamond wearing Rose's dress, and I remembered that gems can shapeshift and I just wanted to ask. Is Rose Quartz Pink diamond?"

Pearl: W-well sh-she is-isn't Pink diamond no not at all!" while she's avoiding eye contact

"Pearl it's ok just tell me the truth." she looks at me and sighs

Pearl: "Yes, Rose Quartz is Pink diamond."

"I knew it! I had a feeling I'd seen Pink diamond before!"

Pearl: "Isaac they can't know about this! Not now!"

"The others don't know about this?"

Pearl: "No, they don't but you can't tell them now! The others will be inraged if they found out!"

"But they deserve the truth they deserve to know that Rose was Pink Diamond Pearl! Hiding the truth even longer will just make it even worse."  seeing that I'm right she sighs

Pearl: "Your right I can't hide the truth any longer they deserve to know, it's just can you help me if things don't go correctly?"

Of course, I'll back you." She smiles relieved to hear my answer

Pearl: "Thank you, Isaac."

"Yeah no problem come on let's go" she sighs and nods in confidence. We both then step out of Pearl's room and I wait for Pearl to get the others

Two Minutes later

The Crystal Gems are now in the living room, Pearl gives me a nervous expression I nod at her

Amethyst: "So what's up P you said that you needed to say something?"

Pearl: "Yes," she clears her throat "E-Everyone it's time that you all know the truth. R-Rose Quartz is Pink diamond."

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