Ch 9: The Question

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Isaac's POV

"What?!" Everyone screamed.

Steven: "Mom was Pink diamond?" Steven had a betrayed look on his face."

Garnet: "Rose Quartz.. Was Pink Diamond? I-I don't understand!"

Amethyst: "Wait a minute so let me get this straight Rose Quartz, the leader of the Crystal Gems and Steven's mom was also was Pink Diamond?!"

"Yeah, I'm just as confused as you I don't know why she did fake her shattering."

Pearl: "it was Pink Diamond's final command for me to not let anyone else know."

Jasper: "But did she know that thousands of gems would have been corrupted or shattered, and placed away in bubbles because of her secret?"

Pearl: "S-She did but she tried to prevent it from happening."

Jasper: "But many innocent gem lives were on both sides of the war because of her actions, why did she do this?"

Pearl: "I-I." Garnet then stood up

Garnet: "Rose... She.. She..."

she started groaning then a glowing light separated from her. What the hell! Is this what Lapis was talking about fusion?

Ruby: "Sapphire!"

Sapphire: "She lied to us! She lied about everything! She held our hands and looked us in the eye and told us to never question who we are as Garnet! We never questioned ourselves or her!"

Ruby: "But we couldn't have known!"

Sapphire: "No! You couldn't have known, both of us wouldn't have known. You never known what's going on. That's what I'm for."

Ice starts forming around her on the ground ooh shit.

Ruby: "Sapphire." she said while having a worried look on her face.

Sapphire: "But I never looked into her, I trusted her I let her make all of us fools!"

she then ran to the warp pad. The ice is growing rapidly this isn't good she's becoming unstable.

Ruby: "Sapphire wait! Please let's just talk about this!"

Sapphire: "Talk about what? How our relationship is based on nothing but a lie! What else is there to say?"

Steven: "Wait Sapphire hol-" before Steven could finish his sentence, he slipped on the ice and landed on his face first."

A tear fell on Sapphire's face then she warped away.

Ruby fell to her knees tears going down her face. It breaks my heart to see something argue with a loved one. It reminds me of Ellie and me when I was arguing with her about the past I couldn't let go I will never forget that day.

Pearl: "Ruby I'm so so sorry."

Steven then got up shaking the pain.

Steven: "Come on Pearl we gotta reason with Sapphire!"

Pearl: "Right."

Steven: "Isaac you're coming too."

I nod at this "Hang tight Ruby we'll get Sapphire back." she looks at me and hugs my leg

Ruby: "T-thank you, Issac."

while she's sobbing hard. I give out a "help me outlook." Amethyst walks over to Ruby and places a hand on her shoulder, she lets go of me, and I turn to Pearl

"Alright Pearl do you know where she could have gone?"

Pearl: "I don't know, unless." she thinks for a moment, and her face brightness up

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