Ch 7: An Argument Breaks

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Steven's POV

Garnet: "Well Jasper welcome on the team, now that you are one of us I'll let the others know that you are one with us."

Jasper: "Understood."

Garnet: "Good now come." she turned around and began walking to the gate we follow her and exited Garnet's room and walked up on Issac

"Hey, Issac!"

Isaac: "Wuh w-what's happening? and who's the giant!" Issac said in a panicked tone after waking up

"Calm down she's on our side now!"

Issac: "O-okay..."

Jasper: "So is this the human that took down the planet?"

"Oh yeah, this is him."

Jasper: "It is an honor to meet you I had never met anyone that had defeated an enemy the size of a planet, may I ask how did you do it?"

Issac looked pretty angry and confused at the same time, I mean I would too if someone woke me up just to say that.

Isaac: "D-did you just wake me up just to say that?"

Jasper: "Wake... Up?" she tilted her head

Isaac: "Oh my god." He sighed placing his hands on his face.

"I'll go get the others."

I stepped out and started walking to the barn upon walking I see Peridot drawing something. I never knew Peridot liked to draw!

"Whatcha writing?"

She gets startled by this placing her hand on her chest

Peridot: "Steven please don't do that!"

"Sorry about that Peridot, whatca doing?

Peridot: "Just writing notes Steven."

"Oh ok! Oh and by the way Garnet and I found a new team member!"

Peridot: "Huh who?"

"I'll show you when we get there, Lapis!" a few seconds later, I then hear footsteps coming from the stairs and see it's Lapis she yawns and sees us.

Lapis: "Hey Steven what do you need?"

"I came here to get you guys and show you our new team member!"

Lapis: "Oh Who is it?"

"That's the problem, promise me you won't attack her ok?"

Lapis: Steven it's not like I attack people the first thing I see them."

Well, we'll see so c'mon." We start heading back to the temple when hear I chattering inside.

Isaac: "Alright so the way how my weapons works are that I use a consist of antimatter which is the direct opposite of matter, to make things make better sense, think of two magnets when you bring the opposite ends together."

Jasper: "So they attract one with another?"

Isaac: "Yeah basically, and since everything in this universe is made out of matter, and if a single trace of antimatter is exposed, all of the matter gets attracted to it with a great force and may result in two ways. One causing an explosion, two. The matter and antimatter will tarnish when they both come into contact."

Jasper: "Fascinating! Your knowledge is very dangerous, Homeworld would be in a panic over this."

Isaac: "I'm not here to hurt anyone."

That's good that Issac and Jasper are getting along! Seeing Issac making new friends, really does make me happy. Alright, let's do this hope this doesn't end how I'm thinking, we step inside.

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