Ch 15: Great Pleasures

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We reached 3k!!! God bless you all! Seriously thank you all for everything you've done for me, I'm so sorry I didn't do anything for the other times when I reached a thousand readers. But when this chapter is finished I'll be doing a Q/a you can ask me anything. Thank you all and I love all of you! And before we begin. No this is not a lemon story sorry for confusing you all. Now onto the story!

Isaac's POV

Time passed and during that time I told Steven and Pearl my plan on how we're going to talk to White Diamond. Here's how it goes, Pearl said, Pink Diamond used to throw balls for the Diamonds for their accomplishments, I'm thinking that Steven throws a ball because he carries her Gem which will make the Diamonds listen to him, he'll throw a ball not for an accomplishment but as a welcome back party of some sort. Steven is going to invite everyone including White Diamond, which will allow us to talk to her. I told the plan to Steven and Pearl, and they agreed to it Steven had an idea. And he told me and Pearl to wait outside and we did just that.

Pearl: "Isaac it's unbelievable! We're so close to healing the corruption!" she was jumping around happily, while I was crossing my arms and looking straight ahead. I'm thinking about how I'm going to approach Jasper in the arena.

"Mhm." Pearl calms down and sighs she turned to toward my direction.

Pearl: "Where would we be without you Isaac?"

"I don't know maybe you or Steven or any of the Crystal Gems would come up with a plan like mine, or maybe not. I don't know, I try not to think about the differences in a timeline."

Pearl: "Yes I agree, it sounds rather... "Contemplating" occurring to the infinite possibilities if that reason was or was not included in that timeline it could change the universe either calm and peacefully or... In ruins."


Pearl: "Oh! That reminds me, hold on I'll be right back."

"Wait where are you going?"

Pearl: "Getting someone don't worry Isaac." she turned to the corner and jogged.

"Ok?..." two minutes pass by and I start footsteps coming around the corner being cautious about whoever is about to pop out I pull out my Plasma cutter I then see, Pearl return with Garnet and Amethyst seeing them I place my Plasma Cutter away.

Garnet: "If it isn't the engineer himself Issac Clarke." she said with a smile.

"Amethyst, Garnet am I glad to see you both."

Amethyst: "How you doing Issac! She raised her hand making a fistbump, I bump her back.

"I'm doing fine."

Amethyst: "Yo we heard your plan while walking down, you sure this is going to work?"

"We'll find out soon enough." Amethyst nodded and then started looking around.

Amethyst: "Say where's Steven?"

Pearl: "Oh he's in the room, he said he had an idea." a chime then played out on the pink door it opens and Steven is there standing wearing a pink outfit, puffed-out shoulders, his stomach open revealing his Gem, pink gloves all the way stopping on his forearms, a skirt, white leggings, shoes with cotton balls floating.

Steven: "Okay I'm ready!-" Steven gasped and hugged Garnet and Amethyst they returned the hug.

Steven: "Guys! Oh, I missed you so much!"

Garnet: "We missed you too Steven." they pulled back.

Amethyst: "Yeah man we were really worried when White took you and Issac. Nice outfit by the way!" Steven chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

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