Ch 5: The Test

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Isaac's POV
I wake on a platform it's almost pitch black I can barely see, where the hell am I?

"Hello anybody!" I hear nothing I start looking around if I can find anyone and ask where the hell I am

"This is all your fault." that sounded like... Buckel?hearing this I  turn around to see no one?

"Why didn't you save me Issac you promised,"Santos voice said

"You left me behind Clarke you could of saved me." Carver saaid

"Carver..." I put my hands on my head and drop to my knees

"You killed us all, Issac! Everyone if you just listened maybe Ellie would have lived!" Norton's voice said

I close my eyes due to the pain I put my hands on my ears trying to block out their voices but they keep getting louder and louder.

"Get out of my head!!!" screaming out at the top of my lungs, not paying attention to the person who grabbed my shoulder and turned me around I squint to see Nicole holding a needle and raising it above her head

Nicole: "Hello Issac..."

"Y-you?!" as my eyes widened she plunged the needle in my eye right before I wake up.

I gasp slightly and awake from my dream was that.. No no that was just a dream it seemed so real, I calmed down and relaxed I get up off the couch and stretched

Amethyst: "Good morning man!" Amethyst spoke up over the counter eating a bagel.

Isaac: "You too..."

Amethyst: "You alright? Did the bed bugs getcha ya or something?"

"Something like that..." she chuckled, I walked over to the stool and sat down rubbing my eyes and thinking over the dream I saw.

Steven: "Good Morning Issac!"  I turn and see Steven heading down the stairs

"Hey, kid..."

Steven: "So did you sleep well?"

Isaac: "I slept alright..."

Steven: "That's good to hear!"

Amethyst: "here Issac gotcha something." she handed me a bagel, I take a bite out of it, and I had gotta admit this was a damn good bagel.

"This bagel is good did you make this?

Amethyst: "Why do you like it?"

"Yeah, I like it thank you."

Amethyst: "Your welcome man." she says, I hear a door open to my left I turn, and see Garnet and Pearl stepping out

Steven: "Hey Garnet and Pearl!"

Pearl: "Good morning Steven."

Garnet: "Hello Steven, Issac today is the day"

"Day? What are you talking about?"

Pearl: "We are going to test you and see if you can fight for yourself" Steven then gasps at this.

Steven: "I'll go get Lapis and Peridot but first let me change!" as he ran upstairs opening a drawer and taking clothes out Steven ran toward the bathroom.

"Alright what am I going to be fighting against?"

Garnet: "The corrupted.

"The corrupted? Who are they?"

Pearl: "The corrupted are just like us but have turned into an incoherent and monstrous form."

"Were they like this?"

Garnet: No, they weren't the Diamonds did this to them."

"The Diamonds who are they?" everyone had an uneasy look on their faces judging from this, I'm guessing they're the reason why these gems are corrupted

"I get it, they did this to them, right?"

Garnet: "Correct, and now it's our job to capture them and try to find a way to heal them."

"Huh." as I made that sentence Steven opened the bathroom and ran outside right before he puts on his flip-flops. Shaking in disbelief at Steven going that fast but back on track, If I first heard this I would have left immediately, but after what they have done, giving me a home and respecting me like one of them. It'll be dangerous but I have to owe them this

"Well no matter what I'll stick with you guys."
They all smile at this.

Amethyst: "Good cause if you didn't we woulda thrown you out!"

Pearl: "Amethyst!"

"Would you actually have done that if did disagree?"

Garnet: "No Amethyst tends to joke around all the time."

"Oh." I then hear the door swing open and I turn my head to see Steven with the others.

Peridot: "Alright Issac let's see what you can do!"

"Hold on let me check something out."  I get off the stool and finish my bagel, I start by examining my plasma cutter reloading it checking my resources seeing what I got, and being satisfied my mask flips back on. My mask is missing a piece revealing my ear so let's hope where we're going isn't hazardous when I turn around I see Everyone who is shocked with awe

"Ready."  We then step onto the platform then a blue light forms around us, what is this? Is this how they transport? This type of technology is futuristic in this type of year. My thoughts are interrupted when we land in a place, it has this light greyish atmosphere and large devices on walls high up

"What are those things?"

Pearl: "Injectors they're used to make gems they first plant themselves into the crust of the planet and when finished the gems are born."

"Wow, well let's stay clear away from them and try to find these corrupted gems." I step off the platform and start walking around I then spot a corrupted gem inside of the wall but it was blocked with bars.

Steven: "Issac be careful they're dangerous."

"Don't worry kid I've killed things bigger than these, I know what to do."

He shudders, as we were walking I spot a corrupted Gem being cautious in choosing my plan of attack. An idea clicks in my head I pull out my detonator and fire at the wall right next to me then I rip a bar off outa of the broken injector with my T-K and I shoot it the corrupted gem hitting it in the back of the head it quickly turned around and spotted us now enraged it roars and proceeds to charge at me

Lapis: "Uh, hey Issac if you thinking of an attack nows your chance!"

"I already did." I waited until the gem crossed the line and there was an explosion, waving the smoke I pick up the gem and place it in my rig.

Pearl: "Wh-What just happened!?" I turn around reloading the steaming detonator

Pearl: "O-oh..."

Peridot: "That is amazing!" she said with stars in her eyes, I place away the detonator and we begin walking deeper and deeper. Clattering could be heard in the distance and looking over I see the final corrupted Gem

"Shit that's not good."

Steven: "Oh no!" everyone had their weapons out trying to look for the gem then I heard something behind me

Pearl: "There!"  I see a corrupted gem flying down at us. I roll out of its attack everyone jumps back, pulling out my force gun I fire blasting the gem to the wall. Stunning it, I run over and start stomping on the gem repeatedly. the gem exploded into smoke, catching my breath I grab the gem and placed my force gun into my rig I walk to the others pulling out the other gem and handing them to Garnet, she then forms a bubble around and then it disappears.

Steven: "That was awesome!"

Garnet: "Indeed you have done well Issac beyond what we thought." she said while giving me a thumbs up.

"Yeah, a lot of people seem to say that to me, c'mon let's get out of here." my mask flips down. breathing In the fresh air we walk over to the platform we all step on but I see we then teleport away to gain our rest.

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