Ch 13: Here On Homeworld

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Isaac's POV

Upon waking up I knew that I had gained enough rest and was ready for Homeworld I then heard a loud sound from outside, looks like we arrived. This woke up everyone.

Steven: "Are.. we.. here?" Steven said while rubbing his eyes and yawning

Yellow: "Yes, if you don't want to be in a bubble for the next millennia I suggest you allow us to do the talking."

we all got up. My mask flipped up and the doors above us opened. The pink platform started rising when we reached outside, we see thousands upon thousands of gems cheering.

Steven: "Whoa..."

"Huh, maybe things won't go so terribly."

then the cheering was dimmed out and a white bubble hovered in front of us and approached us, the white bubble disappeared and there was another Pearl look-alike all white and grey, with her left eye cracked she had her arms out in a "W" stance, her legs together. And a creepy-looking grin, Blue Diamond gasped

Blue: "It's White Pearl..."

White Pearl: "Pink Diamond and the human's presence is required." Why does she want with me? Why does her voice seem off? What's going to happen to me and Steven? Questions were flying through my head left and right

Yellow: "Come on Blue." Blue nodded

White Pearl: "Only Pink Diamond and the human's presence is necessary." she approached Steven and me and formed a bubble around us, the Crystal Gems yell our names

"Hey! Where are you taking us?"

she didn't answer my question, I can feel that we are in the air right now, after a couple of seconds have passed by. The bubble around us dispersed and White Pearl stepped to the side, and in front of us was none other than White Diamond herself standing tall, with her arms out like her Pearl, and shining brightly almost as if she were a star. She was then fixated on Steven.

White Diamond: "Hello Starlight you certainly gave everyone a scare. We're all thrilled to see you all safe and sound."

Steven: "Uh hi? I-"

White Diamond: "As for this latest little game of yours, thankfully it's over, did you have fun? Did you get everything out of your system?"

Steven: "I-"

White Diamond: "Good, good, everyone is so relieved now, welcome home Pink." after she finished she turned to me

White Diamond: "Fascinating, never have I ever seen the likes of humans with this type of technology before. You can be Pinks's bodyguard, consider yourself very lucky, for you are the very first human to serve a Diamond."

"What? Hold on we need to-" I was then interrupted when a bubble formed around us again taking us somewhere else. When the bubble disappeared Steven and I landed hitting the floor, I looked around and we were in a different room

Steven: "Ow.. huh? Where are we?" As Steven rubbed his head

"I don't know, but we're not in the same room that's for sure" I got up and helped Steven up I looked around and saw a balcony I stepped outside and placed my hand on the railing and saw White Diamonds ship I'm guessing. Looking directly right at us, that's pretty disturbing. Besides that, everything looks a city or the Sprawl you can say. Turning around I went back to Steven who is looking around the mysterious room

Steven: "Oof that landing hurt, wish I had a bed."

"Well you can try to rest up before-" as I was talking, a bed appeared beside us out of thin air, making us jump back

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