Ch 1: The Stranger

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Stevens POV
I wake from sleep stretching and yawning, feeling the good Sun shining through my window that's one of the reasons why I love the summer! It's warm, you can go to the ocean and relax, today is going to be an amazing day I can't wait to hang out with Connie! But first, time to get some breakfast I jump outta bed and head downstairs I see Garnet talking to Amethyst while she's just eating food on the counter.

Garnet: "Good morning Steven." smiling at me as I approach her and Amethyst. "Morning Garnet and Amethyst!"

Amethyst: "Morning Stee-man!" I go to the fridge and grab some Eggos and place them on the toaster

"Where are the others?"

Garnet: " Pearl is in her room Lapis and Peridot is in the barn doing what she does." yeah, Peridot sure does love to stay in the barn a lot

"yep, that's Peridot all right."

As Amethyst chuckles. My eggos are finished I grab them and munch on them, then after that my morning schedule begins I go to the bathroom take a shower, brush my teeth, and put my clothes on

"there all done!"

I step outta the bathroom and start to head out"

"Alright, I'm heading out cya!"

Garnet: "Stay safe Steven I love you!" as I step out the door

"Love you too!"

I call back, walking down the stairs and stepping into the shoreline. Why not I'll visit Peridot, as I'm walking to the barn I hear clanking from the inside confused I step slowly and see her on top of the computer hitting it with a small wrench.

Peridot: "Work you useless piece of a machine!" what in the world is she doing?

"Hey there Peridot."  she gets startled by this and falls off and lands on the ground face first with a small groan of pain

Peridot: "Hello Steven." her voice muffled through the floor

Lapis: "Hey.. there... Steven," Lapis said while she was upstairs sleeping, I turned back to Peridot

"Peridot what were you just doing?" she got up brushing the dust off of her

Peridot: "Well Steven this piece of junk is not working!"

I look at the computer and see that she has a blue death screen. I chuckle

"That's blue death screen Peridot."

Peridot: "A blue death screen?" oh, crab apples I forgot to teach her that

"Yeah, it's where the error happens in the computer here I'll fix it for you."

As I step right over to the built-on outlet I take the plug off and the computer shut off. Then I stick back in

"There! Now all you have to do is wait and it'll start right back on."

Peridot runs over and hugs me.

Peridot: "thank you so much, Steven!" I chuckle and pat her pointy hair

"No problem I gotta head out see you later Peridot." she lets go with a smile on her face

Peridot: "Alright stay safe out there you."

Lapis: "Bye... Steven, I wouldn't want... You..." Lapis then fell back to sleep. While I heard her soft snoring, I giggled 

"I will."

I walk out of the barn and into the beach I can't help but think about what happened yesterday. I can't take my mind off of Jasper just seeing her in pain and becoming corrupted, it made me feel bad for her but when she said all that about Pink diamond it shocked me. I need to shake these thoughts off I can't be having these negative thoughts around Connie. As I'm walking I hear a loud crash in the ocean, water droplets are flying down the air

"What the!?"

I see tiny waves go over my feet what made that crash!? The gems then step out of the house with their weapons in their hands and run over to me.

Pearl: "Steven what happened are you ok?!" I look at Pearl

"Yeah, I'm fine!"

Amethyst: "What the heck was that? Was it a corrupted gem?" Garnet spoke up

Garnet: "No something else."

I pull out my phone and press the camera app and zoomed up to see what made that crash then I see a human float back up to the surface but he had some sort of metal suit on? Where did he come from?

"Uh hey, guys you might wanna check this out."

Lapis: "What is it, Steven?" she said in a bit of a tired tone, I didn't know what to say but I had to make something up

"There's uh a person in the ocean."

Pearl: "What would a human be doing in the ocean?"

Garnet: "Now is not the time to question, right now we have to save him, Lapis."

Lapis: "On it" Then a giant water hand came out and picked up the stranger and brought him back to shore and gently placed him down

Peridot: "his armor looks amazing!" She tried to run up to the unconscious man but Garnet grabbed her

Garnet: "Peridot no." peridot grumbled, I saw that he had a cut on his head it was still bleeding I felt bad for him, I wanted to use my healing spit but my mouth had dried up from the eggos I had dang it! Make a note to self bring a beverage when eating those amazing things

Amethyst: "So uh what are going to do with him?" Nobody said anything until Garnet spoke up "We are taking him with us."

Pearl: "Garnet are you sure this is a good idea we don't know where he came from!" Garnet remained calm

Garnet: "I am certain I sense something in him." Garnet picked him up and started walking back to the temple I hope this doesn't cause any trouble.

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